Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
The Archduke and his wife were killed by a Serbian nationlists group called the Black Hand. Austria-Hungary blamed Serbia for the assassination of the archduke. -
Austria-Hungary Declares War on Serbia
Emperor Franz Joseph delcares war on Serbia. -
Germany Declares War on Russia.
As an ally of Serbia Russia announces moblization of armed forces. Germany moblizies armed forces and declares war on Russia due to being an ally with Austria-Hungary. -
Germany Declares War on France
Two days after declaring war on Russia, Germany declares war on France. -
Austria-Hungary delcares war on Russia
Austria-Hungary declared war on Russia due to the assassination of Archduke Fernidad. -
The Battle of Tannenberg
German army was led by Erich Ludendorff and Paul von Hindenburg. The Germans achieve the greatest victory of the war on the Eastern front against Russia. -
First Battle of the Marne
First of the Marne halts German incansion in France. The Battle was between September 5th and 10th. -
Peace Ship
Henry Ford charters a "Peace Ship" in hopes of ending World War I. -
Unofficial Christmas Truce
Along the Western Front soldiers declared an unofficial Christmas Truce. On Christmas day, German soldiers emerged from the trenches and approaced the Allied lines across no-man's-land calling out "Merry Christmas" to their enemies. -
Submarine Blockade
Germany declares a submarine blockade against Great Britian. Any ships that approached from England was considered a target. -
Pancho Villa Invades
Villa crosses the border along with 1,500 men. Black Jack ordered to capture Pancho. -
Attack on Verdun
On December 18th Germany attacks Verdun and its surrounding towns. Over a million people died once the battle was over. -
Keep Us Out of War
Woodrow Wilson was reelcted president and his slogan was "He kept us out of the war". -
President Wilson Asks for Declaration of War
President Woordrow Wilson asked for a special joint session of Congress for a declaration of war on Germany. -
Declaration of War
On April 6, 1917, United States Congress delcared war on Germany.