The U.S. declares war
Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated
Archduke was the heir to the Austrian throne who was visiting the Bosnina capital Sarajevo when he was assassinated by Gavrillo Princip. Archduke`s wife, Sophie, was also assassinated at the time. -
Period: to
World War I
Austria and Hungary declare war on Serbia.
Germany declares war on Russia
Germany declared war on France
Germany invades Belgium
The invasion of Belgium was part of the Schlieffen Plan which which was an ultimate plan to advance into Russia. -
Woodrow Wilson declared neutrality for the U.S.
Austria-Hungary declare war on Russia
Japan declared war on Germany
Germans sunk a U-boat, killing 128 Americans
First battle of Somme
nearly 1.2 miilion deaths -
Ypres battle was won by the Allies
Austria-Hungary surrender to the Allies
Germany signs the Armistice Act, ending the war