World War I Timeline

By jpsaxx
  • How did WW1 Start?

    How did WW1 Start?
    Numerous defense alliances had formed within the major European countries. This meant that if one of the countries gets involved in a war, the other countries within the alliances would have to get involved because it was in the treaty they had agreed with.
    The ‘Triple Entente’ consisted of Britain, France, Ireland and Russia. Germany had aligned itself with Austria and Hungary, forming the ‘Central Powers’.
  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Sophie, Duchess of Hohengberg

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Sophie, Duchess of Hohengberg
    The assassination of the Archduke and his pregnant wife was the immideate cause of World War 1. The assassination was planned by a Serbian terrorist group called The Black Hand. Gavrilo Princip is the person responsible for their deaths.
  • Austria-Hungarian Empire Declares War on Serbia with Germany

    Austria-Hungarian Empire Declares War on Serbia with Germany
    Post-assassination, Austria-Hungary threatens war on Serbia. They set harsh demands for Serbia to meet. Germany was siding with Austria-Hungary and the Russians were siding with the Serbians. By this point, Europe was about to break into war. On July 28, 1914, Austria-Hungary declares war with the support of Germany.
  • Germany Declares War on Russia

    Germany Declares War on Russia
    Serbia was under the protection of Russia. Austria-Hungary & Russia prepare for full mobilization.
    The German ambassador had presented the French government with a question: would France remain neutral in the event of a Russian-German war? They were given only 18 hours to respond.
    The German ambassador then presented French government with another demand; to suspend all war measures against Germany and Austria-Hungary, or Germany would mobilize its forces.
  • Germany invades Belgium

    Germany invades Belgium
    The German forces did not comply with Great Britian's ultimatum and decided to proceed to attack Belgium.
  • Germany Declares War on France

    Germany Declares War on France
    Two days after declaring war on Russia ,Germany declares a war France. Alfred von Schlieffen created an attack plan. Belgium would be crossed by German armies on their way to an invasion of France. This was a threat to Belgium because it had been mandated by a treaty with Britain, France & Germany.
    Sir Edward Grey went before the British parliament and convinced the divided nation to give its support of Britain's entrance to the war if Germany violated Belgium’s neutrality.
  • Battle of Tannenberg

    Battle of Tannenberg
    The Russians had mobilised and went to invade Germany but the German forces defeated them.
  • First Battle of the Marne

    First Battle of the Marne
    Linked by the Treaty of London, France, Russia, Great Britian, also known as the Allied Powers, successfully prevented a German attack in Paris.
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    Sinking of the Lusitania
    The Lusitania, a British passenger was unfortunately sunk by German U-Boats.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    The French armies held their defense against the Germans until December 1916. This was the longest battle of World War 1.
  • Battle of Jutland

    Battle of Jutland
    This battle was the only naval battlefront of the whole war. This involved German & British fleets in an indecisive battle.
  • Battle of the Somme

    Battle of the Somme
    A disastrous and costly altercation where Allied casualties numbered in the millions. The blood shed on the day of the battle "became a metaphor for futile & indiscriminate slaughter.
  • US Declares War on Central Powers

    US Declares War on Central Powers
    The United States makes its entrance in World War 1 by declaring war on the Central Powers under Woodrow Wilson. The USA had strong ties with Britain. Wilson had concerns about the large population in the country who had been born in Germany and Austria. Other political leaders argued strongly in favor of the USA following their isolationist policy, including the pacifist pressure group, the American Union Against Militarism.
  • USSR Withdraws from the War

    USSR Withdraws from the War
    The Russian revolutionists set up their Communist government. They were attempting to make peace with the Central Powers.
  • Germans Commit Chain of Offensives

    Germans Commit Chain of Offensives
    the German forces committed a series of attacks along the Western Front. The Western Front spanned 700 kilometers (roughly 435 miles) from the North Sea coastline, to the Swiss Border & passing through Belgium, north-east France & southern Germany.
  • RAF formed

    RAF formed
    The British Royal Airforce was formed.
  • 2nd Battle of the Marne

    2nd Battle of the Marne
    The second battle of the Marne was considered the turning point of World war 1. the Allies defeat the Central Powers & were at an advantage for the remainder of the war.
  • Battle of St. Mihiel

    Battle of St. Mihiel
    The American Expedition Force & 48,00 French troops under the command of US General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing leads the US Army to victory against German positions.
  • Austrian-Hungarian Empire Surrenders

    Austrian-Hungarian Empire Surrenders
    Austria-Hungary was in a state of disaster & downfall. Though the USA had never declared war on them, the Austrians thought they would get a better peace deal rather than from Britain, France & Italy. Woodrow Wilson had to "rebuff" them, and they were forced to make peace w/ the Allies. Technically, they surrendered to the Allied Powers.
  • Kaiser Abdicated

    Kaiser Abdicated
    Wilheim II is overthrown & a Germany Republic is formed.
  • World War I Ends

    World War I Ends
    November 11th is known as Armistice Day. Germany signs an armistice agreement with the Allies.