World war i

World War I

  • Austria-Hungary take over Croatia

    Austria-Hungary take over Croatia
    On this datethe leaders of Croatia couldn't run the country well and lost it politically to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Who treated the people poorly.
  • Russia becomes allies with UK

    Russia becomes allies with UK
    On this date the British and Russians signed a treaty to become allies in the Russian city of Saint Petersburg. Forming the Anglo-Russian entente
  • The Bosnia Crisis

    The Bosnia Crisis
    Austria-Hungary, annexed Bosnia and Herezgovina taking over the country and the government.
  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    On the 28th of june 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austo-Hungary next heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne was assassinated by Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina which led to the declaration of war against Serbia.
  • Kaiser Wilhelm II promises support

    Kaiser Wilhelm II promises support
    Kaiser Wilhelm II promised supports to Austria-Hungary regardeless to whatever action Austria-Hungary decides to do in punishing Serbia.
  • Austria declares war

    Austria declares war
    Kaiser Wilhelm II thought about having a peaceful diplomatic resolution to the conflict, but was outmaneuvered by the military and the governmental leadership of Germany. Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia.
  • Germany declares war on Russia

    Germany declares war on Russia
    Germany tried to keep peace with Russia, but they declined and mobalized troops on land and sea. Germany seeing them as a threat they had no choice but to declare war on Russia.
  • Breaking of a peace treaty

    Breaking of a peace treaty
    Germany declares war on France. German troops invade Belgium, who was neutral and was allies with the British. The peace treaty was broken and Britain had no chance but to declare war on Germany on August 4th.
  • Russian forces defeated at tannenburg

    Russian forces defeated at tannenburg
    Tannenburg was mostly fought between the Russian 2nd Army (206,000 men) and the German 8th Army (166,000 men) from the 26th-30th August crippiling the Russian 2nd Army, after a series of battles the 1st army got ruined as well. This put the Russians out of balance until the spring of 1915
  • Turkey joins the war

    Turkey joins the war
    On this date Turkey joined foces with the Germans, Known as the Turco-German Allience. There were two main effects why the Ottoman Empire joind the war with thecentral powers: one, was German pressure and opportunism of Turkish war minister Enver Pasha. The second reasons, was the germans early victories.
  • Gallipoli

    On this date the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZACS) landed on Anzac Cove on the Gallipoli Penisula. The purpose of the attack was to take out the Ottoman forts which guarded the Dardanelles strait. Their plan went askew when most of their commanding officers were killed or wounded during the invasion. From a well thought out plan turned into an eight month bloody struggle.
  • Italy declares war on Germany

    Italy declares war on Germany
    Italy declared to be neutral on the 2nd of August 1914, but the Italian government was pursuaded to join the war for the allies in 1915. Italy's decision to join the war was driven by the conditions of a 1915 secret Treaty of London, in which they promised large territorial gains of land after the war at Austria-Hungary's expence.
  • Battle of the Somme

    Battle of the Somme
    The aim of the Somme was for the British to relieve the French after suffering heaps of losses at verdun- east of Paris. The Allied high command chose to attack the north of Verdun to get German troops moving to their poition to help relieve the French. On the first day of the Somme the British Army lost 420,000 men, the French Army lost 200,00 men and the Germans suffered nearly 5000,000 losses.
  • America joined the war

    America joined the war
    During the war America remained neutral. But in 1917 after the German navy sank neutral/ unarmed American ships they were enraged at the German Government that they didn't stop their navy sinking civillian ships that they declared war on Germany.
  • The quest for Peace

    The quest for Peace
    The final push to the German borders began on 17th of October 1918. As the British, French and Americans advanced. the central power alliences began to crumble. Turkey signed an armistice at the end of october and Austria-Hungary on the 3rd November. Th Germany navy mutinied on October 28th and revolution spread across the country. The kaiser abdicated and went to the Netherlands where he stayed in exile. A German Republic was formed and declared peace with the allies, signing an armistice.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    On this date Germany signed the treaty of versailles for peace with the allied powers.