World War I

  • The Great White Fleet Sails Out Around The World

    The Great White Fleet Sails Out Around The World
    On December 17th 1907 President Teddy Roosevelt sent out The Great White fleet on a cruise around the world to show the dominance and power of the U.S navy. This in a way caused a "competition" with many other countries to build up their own militaries.
  • The Assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand

    On June 28th 1914 when Franz Ferdinand; the Arch Duke of Austria-Hungary, was assassinated by Gavrilo Principe an uproar was started in Europe. Due to Gavrilo Principe being a serb, and Austria-Hungary and Serbia already having problems, Serbia was immediately blamed Serbia.
  • Start of The Great War

    After failing to comply to Austria-Hungary's ultamatium that was given to Serbia, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia and soon after surrounding countries joined the war and chose sides.
  • Period: to

    World War I

    World War I from the start to the end of fighting and the treaty between countries was signed
  • The Triple Entente Vs. The Central Powers

    The Triple Entente Vs. The Central Powers
    On November 5th 1914 when the United Kingdom and France delcared war on the Ottoman Empire it made the alliances complete as months before hand Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Russia, United Kingdom, and France all declared war on eachother due to having scores to settle with eachother or they were honoring prior treaties.
  • The Sinking of The Lusitania

    The Sinking of The Lusitania
    On May 7th 1915, without warning a German submarine tarpedoed the British ship the Lusitiania leaving many dead, including many American deaths that were aboard the ship. This angered The U.S and played a factor in the years to come.
  • The Battle of Verdun

    The Battle of Verdun was one the major battles of World War I that lasted from February 21st to December 18th 1916. It was fought between the French and German armies and also one of the most devastating battles in the history of warfare as it resulted in 698,000 battlefield deaths.
  • The United States Joins The War

    After the U.S recieved the Zimmerman Note that was intercepted by the British that was intended to go to Meixco from Germany. Which stated if Meixco attacked, and declared war on the U.S they would get land back from the United States including Texas. Also after the sinking of the Lusitiania years prior and many U.S merchant ships, Woodrow Wilson declared war on Germany on April 6th 1917
  • The Lost Battalion

    The Lost Battalion was nine companies of the U.S 77th Division that were isolated by the German Army after an attack in the Argonne Forest. Roughly 550 men in the companies were surrounded by German forces after going beyond allied lines. For the next 6 days they were forced to hold there ground and fight. By the time they were rescued they made the Germans retreat but lost many men. Only 194 men made it out alive.
  • The End of WWI

    The End of World War I occured when a deadly case of influenza broke out with many of the countries armies and mutunies began to break out within the German and Austria-Hungarian Armies. By November 1918 The Central Powers signed armistice agreements. Which brought an end to WWI
  • The League of Nations

    The League of Nations was a organization created by the Paris Peace Conference that issued the Treaty of Versailles and it's ultimate goal was to maintain world peace. The U.S ended up never joining the League of Nations
  • Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles was the main treaty that ended concflict between Germany and the Allied Powers. One of the many requirements that were issued in the treaty was for Germany to accept responsibility in starting the war and pay back to other countries. Seperate treaties were dealt with for other Central Power countries that split up land to start other countries that were once apart of Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire.