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World War 2
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German Blitzkrieg
Pearl Harbor
On December 7,1941, "A Day that will live in infamy", this was the place to which Japanese planes attacked a U.S naval base with a surprise attack. Almost 1,200 people were killed during the attack. The Japanese decided to attack Pearl Harbor to weaken and neutralize the Pacific fleet. However, when news of this was brought back to the United States, it ony brought more people to want to either aid the war efforts or to fight in the war against the Japan. -
Wannsee Conference
The Wannsee Conference was when the Nazi high ranking Party and the German government went to an area called Wannsee to discuss their plans for the " Final Solution to the jews." This conferense had happened to allow the two groups to have an entire idea for the future planned out before they had went into the problem head on.This event effected the entire jewish population and the future for them. -
Battle of Midway
At the Battle of midway, there was an attack of the United Sates once again however they had fought hard and made this a victory to the United States. They had fought for only three days. In the three days the japanese kept pressure on the United States until they could not contnue fighting. The Japanese were hoping to gain more control over the Pacific by gaining more islands and one of them was Midway. This event was the turning point in the Pacific in favor of the United States. -
Battle of Stalin Grad
This was a major battle on the Western front in Russia. Ths was where the Nazis and their allies fought to control the city of Stailingrad. In the end they had untimatly failed and were forced back. It happened because Hitler and the Nazis were hoping to continue to gain more territory to try to take Russia out of the war. This ultimatly failed. The end result was that Hitler and the Natzis were fored to not continue fighting to gain russia. This was the turning point of the whole war. -
Warsaw Ghetto uprising
During the Warsaw Ghetto uprising it was when residents of a jewish ghetto, had decided to revolt against the nazis and their deportaion system to send jews to concentration camps. Many of the jews were getting sent away to work at concentration camps and the jews at warsaw got tired of it, them getting taken from their families to work.This set the hope for other ghettos as well for concentration camps. This showed there was a light at the end of the tunnel. -
Operation Gomorrah
Operation Gomorrah was a planned raid on the city of Hamburg by the British. The reason that the British are doing this is because in July Germany had launched a bomb raid killing 167 people. Now the tables have turned so Great Britan can fight back. More than 1500 civilian deaths for germany during this run. This event helped the British moral go up again after the moral dropped due to the bomb raid in July. This helped the British give one last swing in the war. -
Allied invasion of Italy
During the Aliied invasion of Italy the British 8th army had went to the Italian penensula. The British 8th Army crossed the strait of messina and had landed at Calabria also known as the toe of Italy. They did this to push pressure on the italian army in hopes to pull Italy out of the war. They were successful. This event mad the Allied forces that much closer to winning the war. with the Nazis outnumbered 3-1. -
D-Day Normandy Invasion
The D-Day normany invasion was set up by the Allied forces to take back France, so they would be able to help to end the war. The allied forces included the British, United States, Russia, and Canada in this fight. They were able to attack the northern part of France to establish a strong standing to take back Paris. This event brought Paris back into the war to enevitably end the war with them as a strong ally. -
Battle of the Bulge
This was considerably the largest battle in the western front. Also known as the Ardennes Offensive, the battle of the Bulge was the last major offensive that the Allied forces would do. They had to do this to help to push Hitler and the Nazis back. This event helped to make the Germans have to fight a war in which they could not win by this point. The event helped to make the British and Americans see that they can win this war. -
Liberation of concentration camps
When the Americans had to go through battle after battle to come to free the prisoners at concentration camps, they had to see the severity that these people were undergoing. When they liberated them they had to be careful about diets, doing to much and many would die from malnutrition. When the americans and, or the other allied forces had liberated a concentration camp they made themselves feel like they were one step closer to ending the war. It also helped raise moral in the United States. -
Battle of Iwo Jima
The battle of Iwo Jima brought multiple aspects to the idea of the war. Considering tht more than 1/3 of the pacific deaths were at Iwo Jima, you can see the severity. We had needed Iwo Jima to gain a base near the coast of Japan, in case we needed to do an airal strike on them. The United States started this battle on Japan. We were able to win against them at a price of many deaths. This event helped to gurantee a win against the Japanese in the long run. -
VE Day
VE day meaning Victory in Europe Day. This was made a public holiday on May 8, 1945. This was a day that had celebrated the official surrender of the Nazis in Europe. This day made many people feel very Patriotic and very happy to be on the winning side. -
Dropping of the Atomic Bombs
The dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan was to try to force the Japanese to surrender to end the whole war. When we dropped the atomic bomb we had killed more than 90,000- 166,000 people at Hiroshima and more than 39,000-80,000 people at Nagasaki. That is around 129,000 people to 246,000 people dead in a few days. This event made the Japanese realize that they were in a fight that they could not win. -
VJ Day
VJ Day also known as Victoryover Japan day. This was the officail day that the Japanese had given surrender. This made the Unted States so happy that we made a holiday for it. On september 2, 1945. This became an officail end to the war. The moral for the United State had never been higher.