World War 2 Timeline

  • First Saturday Suprise

    First Saturday Suprise
    Hitler has his first "Saturday Suprise". Hitler announces that he is rebuilding the army, airforce, reinstating the draft, and rearming the nation. He said they were defesive measures. He only wanted peace. Yet no one did anything, even France or Britain.
  • Second Saturday Suprise

    Second Saturday Suprise
    This is a year later from the first saturday suprise. In this one the German soldiers went to reoccupy the Rhineland while their planes were overhead. In this one they not this saturday suprise they broke the treaty of versailles by having an air force an a army while also taking back land taken away by the treaty.
  • Hitler and Prime Minister Kurt Von Schuschnigg

    Hitler and Prime Minister Kurt Von Schuschnigg
    Hitler calles in the prime minister for a secret meating. in this meating, which lasted eleven hours, hitler insulted and threatened him. Hitler sooned became enraged and screamed at the prime minister to become part of "Greater Germany".
  • A Return To The Reich

    A Return To The Reich
    With secret funding from Nazi's many germans wanted a return to the reich. Hitler liked the idea. Czechs were afraid and wanted their allies to help but no one helped because they wanted peace.
  • All Jews Have to Have A Jewish First Name

    All Jews Have to Have A Jewish First Name
    Thought up in august but january was the deadline to change your name. If you did not men would get the name "Israel" and women "Sarah". Jewish lawyers could no longer practice their proffession. Switzerland would no longer acept Jewish imagrants fleeing Germany.
  • Hypocrits

    On this date while Hitler was chancellor he complained that other countries were hypocrits. The other countries were complaining that Hitler and Germany were mistreating Jews. But Hitler complained that they did as well
  • Transpotation from concentration camp

    Transpotation from concentration camp
    German officials transported prisoners from concentration camp to Gleiwitz. There the prisoners were kiled while the german officials dressed as polish officials and later went to Poland. they claimed they were retaliating for the attack at Gleiwitz.
  • Jews Being Expelled

    Jews Being Expelled
    Jews were being expelled in Russia now. Poland announced that october 31 would be the last day to get stamped. Germany got mad and on the 26th they expelled all the Jews to refuge camps.
  • People Angry at Germany

    People Angry at Germany
    Grynszpan was living in France at the time. he was mad that he couldn't help his family so he went to the german embasy in Paris. He went in and shot a german official. Later the man died two days later.
  • Avenging of German Official

    Avenging of German Official
    Germans Avenge the man that was killed by the french man. this night became known as "Krisallnacht" (Night of the Broken Glass). Nazi's destroyed and looted thousands of homes and buissnesses in every part of the country.
  • America

    America declared war on Japan. this was the day before Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. Japan and Germany were allies. Jpan asked for Hitler's support but were turned down.