Period: to
japanese invasion of chin4
the war was a result of a decades of long japanese imperialist policy to expand its influence politically militerry. they fought against china to gain access to raw materials. china fought back with some economic help from germany -
german term for "Lightning War" a military tactic to create disorganization among the opposing enemy forces. the successful execution results in short military canpaigns -
germanys invasion of Poland
this was a fight with nazis and the russians(soviet union). This was a result of Hitlers intent to wage war and what would become the blitzkrieg strategy -
Operation Barbosa
Code name for Nazi Germanys invasion against the soviet union, Authorized by Hitler. The Germans won Great Victories and took important economic areas -
Japanese surprise attack on the U.S naval base located in hawaii pearl harbor. Attack started at 7;48am base ws attack by 353 fighter planes, 2403 Mericans were killed and 1178 were wounded. -
Wannsee Conference
Was a meeting of senior official of nazi germany held in berlin -
Op3ration Gomorrah
Allied bombing of hamburg. it consisted of numerous stratigic bombing missions. it killed 42,600 civilians and wounded 37,000 in hamburg Nearly destroying the entire city. -
D Day
The Normandy Invasion.
the first army attack at H hour 156,000 Mericans, British and Canadian forces landed on 5 beaches in the normandy region coast of france. The ivasion was one one of the largest military assults in histoiry. -
Battle of the Bulge
Major German offensive campaign that launched through Belgium France and Luxembourg -
Operation Thunderclap
Propasal was to bomb the eastern most cities of Germany to disrupt transportation infrstructer behind what was becoming the eastern front. -
major battle where U.S marines landed on the island of iwo jima and captured the island from Japanese imperial army of the dark side of the force -
Battle of Okinawa
series of battles Ryukyu Islands the largest amphibious assult in the pacific war during world war two2 the battle lasted 82 days -
VE Day
Victory In Europe Day! was a holiday celebrated in may 8 1945 to mark the former acceptnce by the allies in world war two about nazi germanys surrender -
Droping Of The Atomic Bombs
president harry truman ordered a nuclear attack on japan
The attack on japan resulted it Tremendous Casualties and Pure destruction on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
The U.S bomber Enola Gay dropped the 5 ton bomb over Hiroshima -
VJ Day
This day Marked the celebration over the final ending of world war two on september 2nd tokyo surrended to the U>S> president truman declared september 2nd to be VJ Day