
World War 2

  • Japanese invasion of China

    Japanese invasion of China
    on july 7 1937,Japan military was near the coast of north china when they got a little to close and had a clash against china and japan this went on for a little bit until japan invaded china fully.
  • Rape of nanking

    Rape of nanking
    the rape of nanking is a massacre in japan killing 40,000 japanese soldiers.this sparked the hatered of the chinese to the japanese.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    On september 1 1939, gemany invaded poland. After 2 days of the invasion of poland is when britan,france, and Canada declared war on germany.
  • Fall of paris

    Fall of paris
    on june 14 1940 the gemans invaded france and soon in the middle of the day the germans hit paris thus the fall of france was over.
  • Geman Blitzkrieg

    Geman Blitzkrieg
    german Blitzkrieg(Lighting War) was a war tactic made to disorganize enemy forces through the use of mobile forces and locally concentrated firepower.this tactic was first used on the polish invasion.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Operation barbarossa was a massive attack based off of the Blitzkrieg tactic.this operation took three diffrent teams from the gremany army to attack Russia.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    On December 7 1941 near 8:00 am hundreds of japanese fighter planes attacked the american naval base in hawaii named Pearl Harbor. Destroying 20 naval vessels,200 Planes and more then 2,000 american soldiers in the attack and this is when the americans decided to go to war. with japan, then germany and italy sent america the doctument to war also.
  • Wannsee Conference

    Wannsee Conference
    On january 20 1942,Reinhard Heydrich a second comander of the SS. Convened the conference of wannsee is where the the highest ranked nazis talking about the Endlosung witch was there thought was to kill the entire jewish population witch was estimated 11 million jewish people,
  • Battle of Stalingad

    Battle of Stalingad
    In 1942 germany tried to take over stalingrad but awfully loseing by the soviet russians.and losing almost 2million people of the worst nazi mistakes in there running.
  • Operation Gomorrah

    Operation Gomorrah
    On july 24 1943 british bombers bomed hamburg germany after germany killed 167 civilians as a result british bomers droped 2,300 tons of explosives droped on hamburg more then 1,500 german civilians where dead.
  • operation Thunderclap

    operation Thunderclap
    operation thunderclap was a plan by the allies to bomb germany's eastern border, and on the night of febuary 13 1945, 27 planes droped bombs on the eastern border.
  • Battle of the bulge

    Battle of the bulge
    in december of 1944 Hittler tried sepertate the allied armys in the northwest but the germans where suprised and tooken out by thwe allied soldiers.
  • Battle of iwo jima

    Battle of iwo jima
    the american invasion of iwo jima was becuase the american army need a base in japan thus making the battle of iwo jima the most infamous pitchers in war history the americans pushing up the american flag
  • battle of okinawa

    battle of okinawa
    the last and biggest battle in the pacific and the americans where up on the japanese by 100,000 troops. the battle was the bloodiest battle in the pacific war.the aftermath there was deaths and 65,000 casualties.
  • VE Day

    VE Day
    Is a public holiday celebrated on may 8, 1945 to mark the victory of allies marking the end of WW2
  • The atomic bombs

    The atomic bombs
    two bombs where droped on hiroshima and nagaski thus sending the final blow to japan
  • VJ Day

    VJ Day
    Ending WW2 by the japanese surrenderd givving peace to the world by letting armys go back to thier homes