World War 2

  • Rape of Nanking

    Rape of Nanking
    What happened Massacre and mass rape committed by Japanese troops against residents of Nanjing
    Why it happened Invading for land and power over Nanjing
    Impact or effect 50,000-300,000 Dead
  • Germany's Invasion of Poland

    Germany's Invasion of Poland
    German troops invaded Poland. The Polish army was defeated within weeks of the invasion. This happened because Hitler had a nonaggression pact with Poland, but the only reason Hitler did this was to prevent an alliance between the French and Poland, against Germany. When Hitler realized that neither Britain nor France was militarily prepared to fight a war against the Germany, he then invaded Poland to gain territory.Poland remained under the German occupation until the end of the war in 1945.
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    German Blitzkrieg

    Blitzkrieg was a term known as lightning war. It was a military tactic designed to make enemies confused or unorganized. They do this so that they have shorter battles and more lives to save. They first tested the tactic in Poland 1939 before actually using it in the invasion of France, belgium, and The Netherlands in 1940.
  • Fall of Paris

    Fall of Paris
    The French withdrew to the south, not fighting in Paris. So, Paris fell under the occupation of Germany. By the time the Germans established their territory, 2 million Parisians had already fled. Quickly, the German Gestapo started to go to work, arresting, and interrogating civilians. This happened because the French left the area, choosing not to fight, and the British Prime Minister kept believing that America would join the war and come to their aide. After this Paris suffered economically.
  • Peral Harbor

    Pearl Harbor- December 7 1941
    surprise military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Territory
    For united states to declare war on Japan
  • Bataan Death March

    On April 9,1942 the U.S. gave up the Bataan Peninsula on the main philippine island of Luzon.After bombing Pearl Harbor in December 7, 1941, the Japanese began their invasion of the Philippines. The American and filipino defender were forced to withdraw themselves from the bataan peninsula Thousands died thus it became known as the Bataan Death March.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    Six months after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the U.S. defeated the Japanese in a naval battle. To have won this battle, the U.S. had to break a code that the Japanese used to communicate. This battle happened because Japan’s goals during WWII was to remove the U.S. as a Pacific power in order gain territory in East Asia. Japan hoped to defeat the U.S. Pacific fleet and use Midway and secure dominance in the region. This victory allowed the U.S. and its Allies to move into an offensive position.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    The Germans bombed Stalingrad. The Russians were determined to defend this vital industrial and transportation city. The Russians built up their defenses, continuing to bring in reinforcements, helping to stop German forces. Russian victory, with 150,000 Germans died. Hitler left in great humiliation, after stressing the battle’s importance for the German’s. This was one of the bloodiest battles because it combined military and civilian casualties of nearly 2 million.
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    Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

    The warsaw ghetto uprising began on April 19, 1943 After the german troops and police entered to deport all the people that lived in the ghetto. By May 16, 1943 Germans had left the ghetto into ruins and all the surviving residents were sent to concentration camps. This happened because many jews were trying to form a resistance against the Germans and they tried to arm themselves with weapons. The most popular resistance that was formed occurred in the The Warsaw Ghetto.
  • D-Day

    On June 6, 1944, the Allies forces invaded five beaches along a stretch of 50 miles long. This was the largest attack made in history. Some 156,000 Americans, British, and Canadian forces stormed up the beaches. More than 9,000 Allied soldiers were wounded or killed, but this sacrifice allowed for the defeat of Adolf Hitler’s army when the remaining Allied troops successfully started to the journey across Europe.
  • Liberation of concentration camps

    Liberation of concentration camps
    What happened Liberating concentration camp prisoners og big jew camps as auschwitz
    Why it happened To finish the war with the germans and end the genocide
    Impact of effects Jews were saved of certain death and germany was defeated
  • Operation Thunderclap

    Operation thunderclap was a plan to bomb the easternmost cities of germany to disrupt the base of what was becoming the Eastern Front. It was cancelled until 1945 when they targeted Dresden since there had never been a bombing there.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    The Americans invade Iwo Jima. The U.S. navy heavily prepared. 3 marine divisions landed on the island. They were attacked by 23,000 Japanese troops, who fought from caves, dugouts, and tunnels. After a month of fighting, the Americans gained the territory and victory. This happened because the Americans needed a base near the Japanese coast. This battle helped to raise spirits back in the U.S. because this is the battle where the photograph was taken off the U.S. flag being raised in victory.
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    Battle of Okinawa

    The battle of Okinawa was the biggest pacific island war during WWII. The reason this battle started was because this island was one of lands the Americans wanted from the far east. The battle began from April 1, 1945 to June 22, 1945 After the 82 days the japanese had lost 77,000 soldiers and allies had suffered more than 65,000 casualties. Japan tried changing their tactics to gain more time they also, had mass air attacks by plane. Most of the planes sent were a one-way suicide mission.
  • VE Day

    VE Day
    Victory in europe Day May 8th
    Defeating the Nazi war machine
    Finally laying down their arms in Prague Germans surrendered to the soviet antagonists
  • Dropping of Atomic bombs

    Dropping the atomic bombs
    Enola Gay dropped atomic bombs on the cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    Response to Pearl Harbor
    The effect was Japan surrendering to the Unites states of america