World war ii special 512

World War 2

  • world war 2

    world war 2
    Britan and france wanted to force war when germany invades poland.
  • World war 2

    World war 2
    Both Germany and the Soviet Union thought of their nonaggression pact of 1939 as temporary. It gave the Soviets time to build defenses against German attack. It gave Germany peace along its eastern frontiers during the war in the west.
  • war world 2

    war world 2
    british cities got bombed by germany
  • World war 2

    World war 2
    Early in 1941 Britain announced that it soon would be unable to pay for the war materials it had been buying from the United States. The United States Congress gave the president authority to lend or lease arms and supplies to countries whose defense he thought important to the security of the United States. Under the Lend-Lease Act a steady stream of planes, tanks, guns, and other war goods rolled off American assembly lines to be sent to Britain and other Allied nations etc.
  • World war 2

    World war 2
    The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on Sunday, December 7, 1941. The attack came without warning very early in the morning. It was made by Japanese submarines and carrier-launched aircraft. The United States Navy and Army forces were completely surprised.
  • World war 2

    World war 2
    japan got defeated at the battle of midway island
  • World war 2

    World war 2
    On January 1, 1942, the 26 nations then at war with the Axis powers joined in a declaration in which they pledged united efforts and no separate peace until victory was gained. Signed in Washington, D.C., this was called the Declaration by United Nation
  • World war 2

    World war 2
    germans surrender at stalingrad
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    rome falls to allies