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World War 2 American Homefront

By Nikhil
  • Neutrality Act

    Neutrality Act
    President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the 1937 Neutrality Act, which banned travel on belligerent ships, forbade the arming of American merchant ships trading with belligerents, and issued an arms embargo with warring nations.
  • Naval Expansion Act

    Naval Expansion Act
    Congress gives President Roosevelt 1 billion dollars to expand the Navy
  • Period: to

    World War 2

  • Roosevelt Elected to 3rd Term

    Roosevelt Elected to 3rd Term
    This is the first time a president has broken the two term tradition.
  • Unemployment at 15%

    Unemployment at 15%
    The U.S. is still reeling a bit from the Great Depression.
  • U.S. Withholds Gas from Japan

    U.S. Withholds Gas from Japan
    The United States withholds gas from Japan due to their continued aggression in China.
  • Congress Enacts Draft

    Congress Enacts Draft
    First peacetime draft in history
  • U.S. Expands Japanese Emargo

    U.S. Expands Japanese Emargo
    The United States extends the Japan embargo to include iron and steel.
  • First Military Draft Numbers Drawn

    First Military Draft Numbers Drawn
    Thousands sent into the army
  • Arsenal of Democracy Fireside Chat

    Arsenal of Democracy Fireside Chat
    Rousing speech where Roosevelt declared, "We must be the great arsenal of democracy."
  • War Industries Segregation Battle

    War Industries Segregation Battle
    Roosevelt faces off against A. Philip Randolph over the issue of desegregating the war industries.
  • Four Freedom's and Lend-Lease

    Four Freedom's and Lend-Lease
    President Franklin D. Roosevelt proclaims the nation's commitment to the Four Freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom to worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear. He also talks about a "lend- lease" program to deliver arms to Great Britain to be paid for following the war's end. Congress approves the bill.
  • Coast Guard Seizes Axis Ships

    Coast Guard Seizes Axis Ships
    Roosevelt orders that the coast guard seize Axis ships that sail into American Ports.
  • Robin Moor Sunk

    Robin Moor Sunk
    The American ship, Robin Moor, was sunk by a German torpedo. Roosevelt declares a national emergency.
  • Fair Employment Practices Commission Created

    Fair Employment Practices Commission Created
    Roosevelt creates the Fair Employment Practices Commission in order to investigate discrimination complaints in wartime.
  • Roosevelt Closes Axis Consulates

    Roosevelt Closes Axis Consulates
    Germany and Italy are forced to close their consulates.
  • Germany invades Soviet Union

    Germany invades Soviet Union
    Germany turns on their ally
  • Roosevelt Desegregates War Industries

    Roosevelt Desegregates War Industries
    Roosevelt issues Executive Order 8802, which states that there shall be "no discrimination in the employment of workers in defense industries or Government because of race, creed, color, or national origin."
  • U.S. Aids Soviet Union

    U.S. Aids Soviet Union
    The United States extends lend-lease aid to the Soviet Union.
  • Rationing Begins

    Rationing Begins
    The Office of Price Administration (OPA) is established to ration scarce consumer goods and to set maximum prices on other products during wartime.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbour

    Attack on Pearl Harbour
    Japan attacks the United States Naval Base at Pearl Harbour
  • America Declares War on the Empire of Japan

    America Declares War on the Empire of Japan
    President Roosevelt formally signs the declaration of war on Japan
  • Germany and Italy Declare War on the United States

    Germany and Italy Declare War on the United States
    This brings American fully into World War 2
  • Office of War Information and Domestic Propaganda

    Office of War Information and Domestic Propaganda
    They mobilized American support for the war effort using radio, television, the national press, and posters.
  • Largest Government Budget Proposed

    Largest Government Budget Proposed
    Roosevelt proposes a massive budget to help fund the war
  • National War Labor Board Established

    National War Labor Board Established
    Administers wages and work hours and to monitor working conditions in national industries.
  • War Production Board Created

    War Production Board Created
    The War Production Board (WPB) to mobilizes American businesses for the war effort.
  • Japanese Internment Approved

    Japanese Internment Approved
    Roosevelt signs Executive Order 9066, which sets the stage for Japanese Internment.
  • Japanese Internment on the West Coast

    Japanese Internment on the West Coast
    John L. DeWitt issues orders to create Military Areas Number 1 and Number 2 in portions of California, Oregon, Washington, and Arizona.
  • War Relocation Authority Established

    War Relocation Authority Established
    Its mission was to “take all people of Japanese descent into custody, surround them with troops, prevent them from buying land, and return them to their former homes at the close of the war.”
  • Race Riots

    Race Riots
    Race riots break out all over the country in areas such as Los Angeles, New York, Detroit, Mobile, Alabama, and Beaumont, Texas.
  • Norman Rockwell’s Freedom of Speech

    Norman Rockwell’s Freedom of Speech
    Norman Rockwell's Freedom of Speech painting illustrates one of Roosevelt's Four Freedoms
  • Norman Rockwell’s Freedom to Worship

    Norman Rockwell’s Freedom to Worship
    Norman Rockwell's Freedom to Worship painting illustrates one of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's "Four Freedoms."
  • Norman Rockwell’s Freedom from Want

    Norman Rockwell’s Freedom from Want
    Norman Rockwell's Freedom from Want painting illustrates one of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's "Four Freedoms."
  • Norman Rockwell’s Freedom from Fear

    Norman Rockwell’s Freedom from Fear
    Norman Rockwell's Freedom from Fear painting illustrates one of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's "Four Freedoms."
  • Zoot Suit Riot

    Zoot Suit Riot
    Riots ensue as servicemen raid downtown Los Angeles targeting Mexican Americans.
  • Court Upholds Japanese Curfew

    Court Upholds Japanese Curfew
  • Norman Rockwell’s Rosie the Riveter

    Norman Rockwell’s Rosie the Riveter
    Norman Rockwell’s painting entitled "Rosie the Riveter" encourages women to join the war effort.
  • Italy Surrenders

    Italy Surrenders
  • D-Day

  • Roosevelt dies

    Roosevelt dies
    President Franklin D. Roosevelt dies of a cerebral hemorrhage in Warm Springs, Georgia. With the death of President Roosevelt, Vice President Harry S. Truman becomes the 33rd President of the United States
  • Germany Surrenders

    Germany Surrenders
    Germany surrenders, ending war on the European front.
  • Hiroshima Nuked

    Hiroshima Nuked
  • Nagasaki

  • Japan Surrenders

    Japan Surrenders