World War 2 aidan

  • Saturday Suprises

    Saturday Suprises
    In the name of defense hitler had to grow his air force when the british soldiers went home for the weekend. Also he reinstated the draft and also rearming the nation. Hitler did all of the things on the weekend.
  • Hitler summoned Prime Minister

    Hitler Summoned Austrian Prime Minister at secret meeting.Hitler gave him 3 days to change his mind about joining with Germany, but the Minister let the people of Austria choose. Again Germany now controlled Austria.
  • Austria first to fall

    Austria first to fall
    Due to the secret forming of the Nazi's many returned toReich.Hitler at this time was very feraful and counted on the protection from france and russia.Hitler sparks the war and keeps on being firm.
  • Other countries being hipocritical to Jews

    Other countries being hipocritical to Jews
    Hitler sates that other countries are being hiporcritical to what Hitler is doing to Jews. At the same time though US is doing it to African Americans. Hitler then goes on with persecution and atemps to wipe out all jews in europe.
  • Prisoners for What?

    Hitler takes Prisinors to Polish boarder and kills them in Poligh uniforms looking like they were trying to kill German. Hitler did this to gain power and conquer Poland. Hitler all he wants to do now is to grow and get bigger and stronger.
  • Vanish without tracre into the night and fog

    Hitler sighns this decree saying anyone a threat to germany must be killed. This was mostly targeting the polish and with doing so children were also envolved. In 1940 children in poland were only allowed to learn simple math and no numbers over 500.
  • France falls to hitler

    France falls to hitler
    France falls to hitlers control. Hitler now controlled all countries in western europe except Britan. Britan was alone and whenWinston Churchill became prime minister he vowed to wage war and use all their might.
  • Invasion of russia

    Invasion of russia
    Hitler declares to invade Russia and destroy Jewish-Bolshevik menace. All german soldiers were ordered to murder anyone that is an enemy of the state. Then killings became systematic,deliberate, and routine.
  • Us now declares war

    Us now declares war
    Us declares war on japan because japan bombed purl harbor. Japan asked germany for help but insted he declared war on United States. Due to this 3 powerful antion came together to fight and they were US, Soviet Union, and Britian.