World War 2

  • The Second Sino-Japanese War

    The Second Sino-Japanese War
    The Japanese military took action and attacked China in an unofficial war. The reason for this being that Japan and China had been fighting using "incidents" as an excuse before hand. Now Japan wanted a full frontal assault. What this left was truly devastating 20-30 million Chinese civilian and soldiers dead.
  • Period: to

    World War 2

  • Rape of Nanking

    Rape of Nanking
    50,000 Japanese troops headed to Nanking after the tough battle at Shanghai. When they got there they practically slaughtered the Chinese resistance. While the Chinese outnumbered them and had plenty of ammo they were poorly led and inevitably surrendered to the Japanese. When they fell the city fell as well most soldiers were taken to the outskirts and brutally killed being light on fire,used as charging dummies and bayonet practice. The women and children didn't fair much better being raped.
  • German Blitzkrieg of England

    German Blitzkrieg of England
    After there swift victory at Poland Germany moved its sights towards France and Britain. In the next spring Germany invaded Norway and Denmark both were taken by the end of June. Hitler proceeded to attack the Low countries on May 10th several days later and they surrendered. On June 14th they marched into France and on the 22nd France singed a peace treaty.
  • Germany invasion of Poland

    Germany invasion of Poland
    1.5 million German Soldiers invaded Poland from there controlled territory. Swiftly they advanced through Poland using their Blitzkrieg tactics, while the Luftwaffe bombed cities and air fields,and the German Navy taking out most of Poland's and blockading their harbors. These swift attacks won them plenty of land going about !40 miles before the USSR got involved and started to take their part of Poland as well. Germany's interest in Poland is the land to colonize and the resources for the war.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    The attack on Pearl Harbor was devastating over 20 american ships sunk and 3000 Americans dead with another 1000 injured. the purpose of the attack was to cripple our Pacific Fleet, luckily it want battle ships that were on top in naval war anymore it was Aircraft Carriers which were all out at the time of the attack. Also the Japanese hadn't hit much of our repair stations,oil storage's, and other vital parts so we were able to salvage and repair most of the ships quickly.
  • Bataan Death March

    Bataan Death March
    After the surrender at the Bataan Peninsula American-Filipino troops were forced to march 65 miles to POW camps. Thousands died on the trek to the POW camps and most died once they got to the POW camps. Treated harshly by the Japanese some American soldiers were used to make a statement to the rest about there feelings towards people who surrendered.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    With causalities reaching as high as 2 million in both civilian and military the Battle of Stalingrad was the most bloodiest one. The Nazi party was taking more of Russia each day until they got to Stalingrad where the Nazis met fierce resistance. With the Russians winning the battle it was a signal to all that the tides were turning even if they didn't know it yet.
  • Warsaw Ghetto uprising

    Warsaw Ghetto uprising
    A group of survivors in the Warsaw Ghetto had organized themselves and called themselves the Z.O.B. After attacking German soldiers who were trying to take another group of Ghetto inhabitants they made the troops retreat. Most got ready for the future battles to come and sure enough they did. For almost a month these fighters held out in their Ghetto against the trained and battle hardened German military but fell with 7000 shot Jews and 65000 deported to concentration camps.
  • Operation Gomorrah

    Operation Gomorrah
    Operation Gomorrah was an attack to the German civilians and the Nazi party. British Aircraft bombers Bombed the city of Hamburg with the same destructive power of five of the deadliest the Germans had put on London. There was no real victory just facilities being destroyed and families blown to bits or hoping they didn't get bombed.
  • D-Day Invasion of Normandy

    D-Day Invasion of Normandy
    Over 156,000 combined American, Canadian,and British forces struck Normandy on this day over a 50 mile beach front. It took a lot of planning to put this invasion into gear but in the end they pulled it off. The Allies had fooled the Germans by running a deception campaign that won them a bit of a surprise attack but not much. Then when they struck, while getting a bit hung up here and there, mainly had Germany on the run and owned Northern France by next spring.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    In an almost last ditch attempt Adolf Hitler initiated a Blitzkrieg against the Allied Americans. this attempt was supposed to separate their lines cut off resources and give them two options fight or die. Luckily Lieutenant General George S. Patton's successful maneuvering of his army neutralized and gave the Allies a victory but with heavy casualties.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    The Battle for Iwo Jima was a difficult one. Fighting on foreign soil was tough for the American troops but not impossible. The American troops luckily held out and bombed the daylights out of the Japanese positions. Once the bombings were over they'd rush the Japanese positions and they did this until they owned Iwo Jima.
  • Operation Thunderclap

    Operation Thunderclap
    Operation Thunderclap had been under discussion for some time among the Allied Commands. The purpose of it was to disrupt the transport of supplies that were going to the Eastern front, and send a message that the Nazi Air Force couldn't protect its citizens the way they were promised. In the end it gave an edge to the Allies all together proving that the Nazi party couldn't protect them and bombing roads and facilities used for the war effort.
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
    The Battle of Okinawa was the biggest and deadliest fought in the Pacific Ocean Theater of War. With 100,000 Japanese casualties and 50,000 Allies casualties. This was the last leg of the race for the Allies to begin there preparations and take over Japan. The Allies were met with fierce opposition as the Japanese were dug in everywhere to prevent them even in the air and the naval areas of this battle.
  • VE day

    VE day
    The day that Germany fell Victory in Europe was a great day for the Allies. All across Germany the British and Americans closing in with the Russians on the other side. As they made there way to victory they freed the enslaved and captured the Nazi soldiers.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    The battle of Midway was an advantageous victory for the American Allies in the Pacific Theater of War. American code breakers had intercepted and decrypted a message being sent by the Japanese who were forming a surprise attack. The Fleet Commander used this information used this information and formed a counter attack that won us a victory. Winning this battle was important because now the Americans had the Japanese on the run and with this came more victories.
  • Liberation of Concentration Camps

    Liberation of Concentration Camps
    Finally a shift in the war had come and the Allies were taking more ground from the Germans. The first camp found was the Majdanek camp which the Russians stormed on in Poland. As the war progressed and the Allies took more land they found more camps and freed it's prisoners. The biggest and possibly worst they found would have been Auschwitz,
  • Dropping of the Atomic Bomb

    Dropping of the Atomic Bomb
    The President at the time Harry Truman was faced with a difficult option. Either suffer through American casualties or drop the new Atomic Bomb on a Japanese city. When Truman gave the order to drop the Bomb his hope was that it'd bring a speedy end to the war. it did just that and soon after the Japanese surrendered to the Americans.
  • VJ day

    VJ day
    The day the World War was truly over Japan had surrendered and the Germans were already taken care of. What this meant was amazing soldiers could finally head home to there families and start to rebuild after the destruction the war brought. Sadly a little over 60 million Soldiers and Civilians would not be celebrating or going home in the months to come.
  • Fall of Paris

    Fall of Paris
    German soldiers moved into Paris on this day and made their rules clear via loudspeaker. Winston Churchill urged the French government to hold out and claimed that the Americans were coming to help but that help never arrived. Seeing no other option France signed the treaty and with this there was peace for a time. This showed that Hitler wasn't going to stop his Conquering Campaign and with it was a start to World War 2