Japanese Inavsion Of China
A military conflict fought primarily between the Rebuplic of China and Empire of Japan.With the help of the Soviet Union, the British Empire, Germany and the U.S China fought Japan. -
Period: to
World War 2
Rape of Nanking
Mass murder and mass rape by japanese troops against the residents of Nanjing -
Germany's Inasion Of Poland
Known as the September Campaign.One of Hitler's first major forgein policy -
German Blitzkreig
"Lightning War". A military tactic designed to create disorganization among enemy forces. -
Fall of Paris
The French surrended on March 31.German invasion of France and the low countries during ww2 -
Operation Barbarossa
Code name for Nazi Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union during ww2. Adolf Hitler was the operator of this mission -
Pearl Harbor
The battle of Pearl Harbor. The United States Naval base was attacked by Japanese Navy. Claimed the lives of 2,000 American Soilders and sailors. The next day the U.S declared war on Japan. -
Wannsee Conference
A meeting between senior officals of Nazi Germany. Purpose: ensure the cooperation of administrative leaders of various government departments -
Invasion of Italy
A alliled amphibious landing on mainland Italy that took place on September3 -
Operation Gomorrah
A clusture of numerous strategic bombing missions and raids contributed yo the bombing of Hamburg -
Inavsion of Normady. Invasion by and established by Western Allied forces in Normandy. The largest amphibious invasion to ever take place -
Operation Thunderclap
Code for a cancelled operation planned Aug.1944. Plan consisted of a massive attack on Berlin that would be responsible for 220,000 casualities -
Battle of the Bulge
A major German offensive campaign launched through the dense forest of Belgium. -
Battle of Iwo Jima
A major battle in which U.S marines landed on the Isalnd, Iwo Jima. American marines took control over the Island and gathered intel from the airplanes they over powered. -
Battle of Okinawa
"Operation Iceberg". A series of battles fought in the Ryuku Isalnd. Largest amphibious assault in the pacific war -
VE Day
Victory in Europe Day. Generally known as V.E day. Mark the formal acceptable by the alliles of ww2 of Nazi Germany's unconditional surrender of its armed forces -
Postdam declaration
A statement that called for the surrender of all Japanese armed forces during ww2 -
Dropping of the Atomic Bombs
The U.S dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshma and Nagasaki in August 1945. Killed 129,000. -
Battle of Midway
A crucial and decisive naval battle in the pacific theater -
VJ Day
Victory over Japan Day. Japan surrendered in ww2 which lead to the end of ww2