Amari Richardson's World War 1 Timeline

  • Beginning of War

    Beginning of War
    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Austia-Hungary declares war on Serbia
  • Period: to

    World War 1

  • Germany declares war on Russia

    Germany declares war on Russia
    Germany & Austria-Hungary
  • Germany declares war on France

    Germany declares war on France
  • Germany declares war on Belgium

    Germany declares war on Belgium
    Germany declared war on neutral Belgium and attempts to defeat France quickly. Britain declares war on Germany.
  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia

    Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia
    Austira-Hungary and Germany officialy begins their "Central Powers"
  • Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare

    Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare
    Germany declares they will attack any ships entering or extiting Britain. US decided to remain neutral.
  • U-boat sinks Lusitania

    U-boat sinks Lusitania
    About 1200 people died & 128 Americans die. Many Americans angered & want war with Germany
  • Germany angers US

    Germany angers US
    Germany responds to U.S. anger by continuing to sink ships without warning
  • Lafayette Escadrilles

    Lafayette Escadrilles
    Hundreds of Americans volunteered to fight with France. They wanted to help becasue they felt they needed to repay France for their help in the American Revolution.
  • US warns Germany

    US warns Germany
    President Woodrow Wilson warns Germany to stop unrestricted submarine warfare policies
  • President Wilson Re-elected

    President Wilson Re-elected
    Woodrow Wilson is re-elected as president of US with campaign slogan "He kept us out of the war"
  • Germany Angers US More

    Germany Angers US More
    Germany declares unrestricted submarine warfare again
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    US & Britain learns of Germany proposing a Mexican-German alliance in war between US & Germany and to give Mexican back land lost in Mexican-American war.
  • US Draws Closer To War

    US Draws Closer To War
    As Germany contninued sinking American ships, President Wilson adressed Congress, ginving them a long list of Germany.
  • US declares War on Germany

    US declares War on Germany
    President Wilson asks Congress to declare war with Germany.