World War 1 Timeline

By hchoi1
  • Chinese Nationalists oust the last Qing emperor, Puyi

    Chinese Nationalists oust the last Qing emperor, Puyi
    Puyi was the last emperor of China. He was the 12th and final emperor of the Qing dynasty.
  • World War 1 begins as Austria declares war on Serbia

    World War 1 begins as Austria declares war on Serbia
    After Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie was shot by Gavrilo Princip, a 19 year old who was part of the black hand, Austria declared war on Serbia, leading to World War 1.
  • U.S enters the war

    U.S enters the war
    When the Lusitania was shot down by a German U-boat, the United States entered the war on the side of the Allies.
  • Armistice signed as Allies defeat Central Powers

    Armistice signed as Allies defeat Central Powers
    The Allies created a peace treaty, or the Armistice, ending the first World War.
  • Gandhi leads Indian camapign of civil disobedience

    Gandhi leads Indian camapign of civil disobedience
    The protesters in India, led by Gandhi refused to buy British goods and attempted to follow Indian tradition.
  • Mustafa Kemal transforms Turkey into Republic

    Mustafa Kemal transforms Turkey into Republic
    Mustafa Kemal was an Ottom and Turkish officer of the army. He was a revolutionary statesman, writer, and became the first President of Turkey.
  • MaoZedong heads Long March

    MaoZedong heads Long March
    The Long March was a series of marches taken by the Red Army of the Communist Party of China. It was a military retreat to evade the Kuomintang.