
Armenian Genocide

  • Perpetrators political group established: the "Young Turks"

    Perpetrators political group established: the "Young Turks"
    In response to the Ottoman Empire's crisis, a new political group known as the Young Turks seized power through a revolution in 1908. The "Young Turks" were a reformist and nationalist party founded in the late nineteenth century that dominated Turkish politics from 1908 to 1918. Later in 1915, this group became the leading group and perpetrator of the Armenian genocide. [Charles Roden Buxton]
  • CUP political group came to power

    CUP political group came to power
    The CUP (Commitee of Union and Progress) political group came to power as Ittihad ve Terakki Jemiyeti, emerged as the head of the government, in a coup staged in 1913. The CUP was associated with the wider Young Turk movement, and its members have often been referred to as Young Turks. They were responsible for making key decisions related to the Armenian Genocide. This picture is in the public domain.

    The Ottoman Empire joins the Central Powers, including Germany and Austria-Hungary, as World War I begins. The Armenian Genocide was influenced by World War I's chaotic and wartime conditions, as well as political and ethnic tensions within the Ottoman Empire. [İpek Özerim]
  • Starting of the Armenian Genocide

    Starting of the Armenian Genocide
    24 April 1915, the Ottoman authorities arrested and deported hundreds of Armenian intellectuals and leaders from Constantinople. Convoys consisting of tens of thousands, including men, women, and children, were driven hundreds of miles toward the Syrian desert. [Chris Bojahlian]
  • Allied powers supporting the Armenian

    Allied powers supporting the Armenian
    In May 1915, the Allied Powers, including Russia, France, and the United Kingdom, issued a joint statement condemning the Ottoman Empire's treatment of Armenians. This statement expressed worries about reports of acts of violence and mass killings against Armenians. It did not, however, result in immediate intervention or a halt to the genocide's progress. The atrocities continued for several years after that. []
  • Continuation of deportations and mass killings

    Continuation of deportations and mass killings
    The genocide continues, with mass killings, forced labor, and deportations affecting the Armenian population.
  • Withdrawal of Russian forces

    Withdrawal of Russian forces
    In 1917, significant changes were occurring in the region due to World War I, the Russian Revolution, and the subsequent withdrawal of Russian forces. The situation did not lead to a temporary respite for Armenian communities in eastern Anatolia. The withdrawal of Russian forces from the eastern front allowed the Ottoman government to resume its genocidal policies, including mass deportations, killings, and other forms of violence against Armenians. [Encyclopedia]
  • The Ottoman Empire’s defeat

    The Ottoman Empire’s defeat
    The Ottoman Empire suffers a series of military defeats, and as a result, some Armenian communities in eastern Anatolia experience a brief period of relative safety.
    [Stanistaw Chlebowski]
  • Paris peace conference

    Paris peace conference
    The Paris Peace Conference takes place, and the Treaty of Sèvres is signed, which includes provisions for an independent Armenian state. [Universal History Archive/UIG via Getty Images]
  • French forces unexpectedly withdraw

    French forces unexpectedly withdraw
    French forces in the post-war occupation of Cilicia unexpectedly withdraw. Turks take advantage of the opportunity and kill 30,000 Armenians. [en:User:Neurobio]
  • The Treaty of Sevres

    The Treaty of Sevres
    This peace treaty between the Ottoman Empire and France, the United Kingdom, Greece, and Italy Turkey accepts its responsibility for the crimes against the Armenians during the war. It also agrees to hand over to the Allies the people responsible for the massacres. The Treaty of Sevres was never carried out. It was repudiated by Turkey and eventually replaced by the Treaty of Lausanne, which had no provisions dealing with Armenia. [ALEKSANDRA PEĆINAR]
  • Independent Armenian Republic

    Independent Armenian Republic
    The independent Armenian Republic, in existence since May 28, 1918, is transformed into the Soviet Socialist Republic of Armenia. Consequently, historians often refer to it as the Second Republic of Armenia. [Alamy]
  • Treaty of Lausanne

    Treaty of Lausanne
    The Treaty of Lausanne is signed by the new Republic of Turkey and the Great Powers. The Treaty recognizes full Turkish sovereignty over all of its territory and contains no provisions regarding Armenia leading to the continuation of genocide and mass killing. [Photo by Keystone-France]
  • End of the Armenian genocide

    End of the Armenian genocide
    The Ottoman Empire came to an end in 1922, when the title of Ottoman Sultan was abolished. Modern Turkey's history begins on October 29, 1923, with the establishment of the republic and the election of Atatürk as its first president. The Armenian genocide has come to an end. [Oleg Gapeenko]