World war 1 (Medicine/ Relief organizations/ Diseases) ||| The Great Derpression (inventions) ||| World war 2 Weapons||
By 17cafunugo
Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand Assassinated
Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand was Assassinated on the 28th of June in 1914 -
Period: to
World War 1
Germany declared war on Russia
Germany declared war on Russia on August 1st of 1914 -
America decides to join the war.
USA declared war on Germany. -
Period: to
World War 1 (America joins the war)
(During The War) World War 1: Trenched foot
(not a Perticular date) While the war is sill going on Soliders would get a diease called Trenched foot. Trenched foot is A disease that spreads to the foot that was caused by the cold and wet conditions. For a long time the soldiers would stand in puddles of rain and of their own waste. -
During world war 1
12% of wounds during ww1 were in the torso. some injures were never recorded because soliders didnt make it to the hospitals -
During The War (Dieases the causes)
( not a Particular Date)
Soldiers died from battle wounds or rifles in the war but more Soldiers died from Diseases. Some of the dieases were from lack of hygiene, and the tainted environment., and even, Poisonous gases. -
During the World war 1 (inside a war world 1)
Conditions in a World War one hospital werent good
The men and women working had to
provide care for terrible injuries withour the basic materials -
Leg injures were common during world war 1 which resulted in amputation of the leg -
During world war 1
Not a particular Date
Colds Shell Shocks, are the sickness that Soliders got During world war 1 -
Trenched Fever
Trenched Fever is one of the many dieases. This Disease is a moderately serious disease transmitted by body lice -
During world war 1 medical
Influenza and intestinal flu
is a sickness / diease that many soliders got and died from. More solider died from dieases
than actually killed by the war. -
The War Ends
Relief Organizations
(Not Particular Date)
There are many relief organzations during the war but the bigeest Relief Organzation during the time was The American Red Cross -
Period: to
Post War
After World war 1 -
During The War (Wounds)
(Not a Partucular Date) Medicine
During World War only salt water was used to rinse wounds. -
The Treaty of Versailles
The official peace settlement was signed at Versailles, near Paris. The treaty forced Germany to accept full responsibility for the the war and pay reparations, give up territories and reduce the army size to a meager 100,000 souls, -
Period: to
The Roaring Twenties
The Band-Aid
The Band-Aid (invented by Earle Dickson in 1920 during the Roaring Twenties -
Artificial life begins -- the first robot built.
Artificial life begins -- the first robot was bulit in 1921 -
John Larson invented the lie detector.
John Larson invented the lie detector in 1921 during the Roaring Twenties -
Insulin invented by Sir Frederick Grant Banting. During The Roaring Twenties. -
The first 3-D movie
The first 3-D movie (spectacles with one red and one green lens) is released. in 1922 During The Roaring Twenties. -
Garrett A. Morgan invents a traffic signal.
Garrett A. Morgan invents a traffic signal. in 1923 During The Roaring Twenties -
The television
The television invented by Vladimir Kosma Zworykin during the roaring twenties -
Eduard Haas III invents PEZ candy.
Eduard Haas III invented PEZ candy during the year of the roaring twenties -
The Stock Crash (Black Tuesday)
Period: to
The Great depresssion
The Car Radio
1929 during the year of the stock crash and the start of the Great Depression, Paul Galvin an american invents the car radio. -
Scotch Tape
1930 a year after the stock crash and the start of the great depression Scotch tape was patented/ invented by 3M engineer, Richard G. Drew. -
Polaroid photography
1932 during the great depression Polaroid photography was invented by Edwin Herbert Land. -
Period: to
World War 2 Time Period
September 1, 1939 – September 2, 1945 -
.Yokosuka MXY-7 Ohka Kamikaze Attack Plane
. Yokosuka MXY-7 Ohka Kamikaze Attack Plane
This was made by the Japanese It weapon was a rocket-propelled aircraft
This was designed specifically for Kamikaze attacks also, this weapon was equipped with a 2,643 pound warhead -
V3 Cannon
V3 Cannon
(Vergeltungswaffe 3 Cannon)
It was a huge super gun built directly into a hill. This gun is capable of firing artillery shells across the English Channel from France to London. -
Exploding Rats
This was the British idea British secret agents were equipped with disguised explosive devices that looked like soap, shoes, suitcases and for this example rats. The rats were skinned, filled with plastic explosive, and sewn back up. -
Soviet Anti-tank Dogs
The dogs were trained to carry a bomb to a specific target, and then the dog was trained to release the device with its teeth, and then return to its operator. Unfortunately, it was nearly impossible to get the dogs to do this, so what the Soviets did was a much simpler strategy: The Soviets just blowed up the dog. The Soviets used about 40,000 dogs for various army tasks. -
Pearl Habor
Japan Bombs Pearl Habor on December 7th 1941 More than 2,000 Americans soldiers and sailors died and another 1,000 were wounded -
Unrotated Projectile
A British innovation, This innovation was a short range rocket-firing anti-aircraft weapon with wires and parachutes attached. The British idea was to create an aerial minefield. As these rockets slowly drifted back down, any aircraft flying through the deployment area would be a risk of snagging a cable which would pull the rocket towards it and detonate on impact. Trouble is, a slight change of wind could cause the rockets to drift back onto the ship that launched t -
Ruhustahl SD 1400 “Fritz X” Radio-controlled Bomb
This weapon was made by the Germans.
This weapon was an air-launched radio-controlled bomb.The function of this weapon was to destroy heavily armored naval targets. -
Dora and Gustav Rail Cannons
This gun was made by the Nazis. These guns was a 31.5-inch caliber German cannon. The cannon was Massive. They were the largest cannons the world has ever seen. It's huge shells, each weighed about 11,000 pounds -
X-Class Midget Submarines
This weapon/submarine was made from the British this tiny four-man British subs reach distances of 1,200 miles, dive to a depth of 300 feet this submarine only had one access hatch, which proved to be a major headache during emergencies. -
Henschel HS 293 Radio-controlled Glide Bomb
This weapon was made by the Germans
This weapon was radio-controlled glide bombs
This weapon was the most effective guided weapon of the war also, This bomb destroyed numerous destroyers and trading ships. -
Hobart’s Funnies
For D-Day, the Allies developed a host of unusual vehicles
these vehicles/weapons were named after warfare expert Percy Hobart
an example a vehicle is “The Sherman Crab”