Kicking off the War
World War 1 was a war fought by many countries and had many casualties. Countries like Austria and Serbia were simply waiting for anything to set them off. That time came when a nineteen year old assassin kills that Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary and the war begins with Austria declaring war on Serbia. -
Germany Invades Belguim
In order to get to France, Germany had to go through Belgium since it would be much quicker. King Albert of France wasn't going to just let them invade so he had Belgium's armed forces ready to fight. However since they were greatly outnumbered they lost the battle. -
Battle of Tannenburg
By now Germany sent it's main army into France. Russia saw this as a clear path to attack Germany. Russia sent it's two armies into Germany thinking it would be safe. However the armies were separated and couldn't communicate with each other. Russia lost war do to mass casualty and Germany proceeded to France. -
First Battle of the Marne
The Battle of the Marne was the first time radio intercepts were used during the war, it was also the first time France used their air crafts. France and Britain were fighting Germany witch caused Germany to retreat to the Anise River witch later lead to trench warfare between Britain and Germany. France had one the battle but weren't ready to begin a new phase of the war. -
Sinking of the Lusitania
Germany had very advanced submarines and took out one of America's and Britain's ships the Lusitania thinking it was smuggling weapons. This aggravated America and it was only a small amount of time we joined the war, we were on a short fuse. The fuse was set off later by the Zimmerman Note. -
Zimmerman Telegram
Germany sent Mexico a note on February 25th, 1917. The note stated that if Mexico joined the war and helped Germany fight America then Germany would help get land Mexico had lost to America. Of course this upset America and was the cause of us joining the war.