
World War 1- Battle of Gallipoli

  • The assassination

    The assassination
    Assassination occurred on June 28th of 1914 while ferdinand was visiting the city of Sarajevo in the Austro Hungarian province of bosnia herzegovina,.
  • Recruiting forces

    Recruiting forces
    Voluntary recruitment for Australian Imperial Force commenced
  • Letter from Winston Churchill

    Letter from Winston Churchill
    The threat from Turkey, winston churchill wrote: "The price to be paid in taking Gallipoli would no doubt be heavy, but there would be no more war with Turkey. A good army of 50,000 men and sea power – that is the end of the Turkish menace."
  • The new plan

    Winston Churchill suggested his plan for a new war front in the Dardanelles to the British government’s War Council
  • Brittish common wealth

    Brittish common wealth
    British commonwealth and french troops struggled to take the peninsula
  • Royal marines landed on Gallipoli

    Royal marines landed on Gallipoli
    3rd of March detachments of royal marines were landed at turkish forts at Kum Kale on the mainland on Gallipoli they then put many of the Turkish guns out of action
  • Begining of battle of gallipoli

    Begining of battle of gallipoli
    Gallipoli champaign commenced also known as the. Or battle of gallipoli, taking place at the peninsula of gallipoli.
  • Landing to Gallipoli

    Landing to Gallipoli
    Australian troops landed on the beaches of Gallipoli ,Turkey. th british navy resumed bombardment of outer forts with more success.
  • Kemal launchment

    kemal launched a concerted attack to drive the Anzacs back to the beach. With the support of a naval gunfire, the Turks were held off throughout the night during the Battle of Gallipoli
  • Turkish attack at Helles.

    the French submarine joule is mined and sunk in the Turkish Straits.
  • German submarine enters maditerranean seas

    some news reached Gallipoli that a german submarine had successfully passed through the Straits of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean.
  • The ottokmans launch of battle

    The ottokmans launch of battle
    42,000 ottomans attacked 17,000 Australians and new zelanders, but the attack back fired.
  • The Battle of Lone Pine

    The Battle of Lone Pine
    The turkish trench was taken within twenty minutes of the initial charge. Australians leapt out of the trenches and underground firing positions after the bombardment to rush to the Turkish front line at Lone Pine, four days’ worth of intense hand to hand fighting left over 2,000 australian casualties. The soldiers had a tough time in the battle grounds
  • Lone Pine- Gallipoli

    Lone Pine- Gallipoli
    lone pine was a diversionary feint in the August offensive during the gallipoli Champaign.
  • Fresh landing of two infanity divitions was made

    Fresh landing of two infanity divitions was made
    The repeated failure of the allies to capture krituthia or make any progress on helles front led hamilton to persure a new plan for champaign which resulted in what is now called battle of San-Bair.
  • Evactuation is Discussed

    Following the failure of the August Offensive, the Gallipoli campaign entered a hiatus while its future direction was debated.The prospect of evacuation was raised on 11 October 1915 but Hamilton resisted the suggestion, fearing the damage to British prestige. He was dismissed as commander shortly afterwards and replaced by Lieutenant-General Sir Charles Monro.
  • The smash landing

    The smash landing
    A gale smashed landing piers at helles and anzac. Captain Pawson the Military Landing Officer at Helles,had wrote: "All along the beach above the roar of the waves could be heard the crash of the great barges as the sea hurled them again and again against the shore."
  • Storms

    severe rain and thunderstorms, which turned into blizzards, hit Gallipoli. More than 280 men died and there were 16,000 cases of frostbite and exposure
  • Evacualtion from Helles

    Evacualtion from Helles
    17,000 British soldiers were evacuated from Helles, bringing the three-week evacuation, and the closing of gallipoli champ
    .The fact that just over a week, 35,000 soldiers, 3,689 horses and mules, 127 guns, 328 vehicles, and 1,600 tons of stores had been taken off Helles. Approximately 508 horses and mules were slaughtered or left behind
  • Enemy freedom

    Enemy freedom
    Turkish newspapers reported that ‘the whole of the Gallipoli Peninsula is now free from the enemy. They are driven out of Sedduülbahir