World War 1

  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
    A Serbian student, Gavrilo Princip assassinated the archduke and his wife. The Austrian government blamed Serbian government, Austria declared war on Serbia, 28 July, 1914
  • Period: to


  • Germany Declares war on Russia

    Germany Declares war on Russia
    Germany declared war on Russia. The same day France ordered a mobilization
  • Germany declared war on France

    Germany declared war on France
    Germany declared war on France. German troops went to Belgium as directed. They had this plan since 1905
  • British declaration of war

    British declaration of war
    Germany did not withdraw from Belgium. Britain declared war on Germany.
  • Japan declared war on Germany

    Japan declared war on Germany
    Japan declared war through their alliance with Britain signed in 1902.
  • First Aeroplane Raid

     First Aeroplane Raid
    The first German air raid on London took place. The Germans hoped that he British Air Force would be forced into protecting the home front rather than attacking the German air force.
  • W. Front Cambrai

    W. Front Cambrai
    The British took a large force of tanks across the barbed wire and machine gun posts at Cambrai.
  • USA declares war on Germany

    USA declares war on Germany
    The US declared war on Germany in response to the sinking of US ships.
  • Armistice signed

    Armistice signed
    At 11 am, in the French town of Redonthes, the Armistice was signed bringing the war to an end.
  • Early Stages of the War

    Early Stages of the War
    Germany continued marching toward France. British troops advanced to the North coast of France. Hopes of the war being done by Christmas is gone.