Battle of masurian lakes
Germany wanted to focus on fighting Russia and their first army since they defeated their second army. It happened at Masurian Lake. -
Battle of Tannenberg
Germany won the battle of Tannenberg even though 13,000 of their men were killed. Russians surrounded the enemy's territory with their railroad system before the Tannenberg's commander could see what was happening. -
The first zeppelins appeared on the east coast. -
Francis Ferdinand assassinated at Sarajevo
The assassination of Francis Ferdinand was the cause of World War 1 when a member of Young Bosnia killed him and his wife. -
Kaiser William II promised German support for Austria against Serbia
He promised to be Austria's ally in the war against Serbia. -
Germany declares war on Russia
Two European powers declare war on each other resulting in the death of 20 million soldiers. -
Germany declares war with France and invades Belgium
Two days after Germany declares war with Austria, Germany decides to also declare war on France & invade Belgium. -
Britain declares war on Germany
The day after Germany declares war with Austria, France, & invades Belgium Britain decides to declare war with Germany. -
Japan declares war on Germany
Japan wanted to go against Germany with an alliance from Britain. -
Britain and France declare war on Turkey
Britain and France are allies with Russia and they attacked Turkey because Turkey helped Germany attack Russia. -
Turkey entered the war and was an ally to the Russian bombardment. -
zeppelin bombing
zeppelin bombs were dropped on yarmouth. -
Second war of Ypres
Poisons gas was used for the first time in this battle. -
Italy entered the war with the allies. -
Romania enters war
Romania enters war in april of 1916