World War 1

  • War of Caporetto

    After they were defeated at Caporetto Diaz replaced another general and became a part of a new generation of WW1 generals. He was able to deal with politicians and make critical decisions. He also helped improve the training of the soldiers. Not just soldiers but the weaponry we used for WW1. He also helped with the food supplies and other needs.
  • Start of Armando Diaz

    Armando Diaz was an Italian general in WW1. He replaced Luigi Cadorna as chief general. He reformed the army and made a new foundation for them. He earned a few medals in his career and was good at his job. He started early after attending school he was first an artillery officer and his first way was the war against turkey in 1911.
  • Plan to take out Germany Navy

    Sir David Beatty created a plan to draw out the German Navy. They wanted to bring them out on the water and take the battle to them. Beatty used two light cruisers, the Fearless and Arethusa, and 25 destroyers to raid German ships close to the German naval base at Heligoland. His plan won them that battle.
  • The beginning

    The assassination of Arcduke Francis. Archduke was assassinated around 11 am that day he was heir to the throne of Austro-Hungarian. There had been another attempt just before that around 10:15 and there was allegedly 6 others ready to kill him if others failed. Might be connected to The black hand. This sparked it all and caused the beginning of ww1
  • Middle of the War

    Germany invaded Luxembourg and Belgium. Germany started to have nations allied with them. Which included Great Britain, the United states, Russia, and others. This was the beginning of the fighting between the nations.
  • More in the Middle

    Austro invades siberia. Austro loses this battle due to Siberia and it's Allie. Montenegro was Siberia’s Allie and they stopped Austro for the remainder of 1914. During this, they discovered they could use the railway to bring medical help to Siberia.
  • Defeat of Caporetto

    The war of Caporetto had a huge impact on the Italian soldiers because their defeat cause Luigi Cadorna dismissal as chief of staff. Also sparked the beginning of Armando’s leadership. This war was referred to as The Twelfth battle of isonzo. The Italian troops were ordered to make be on the defensive side but one of the leaders decided to take an aggressive approach. This probably lost them this war if only they would have listened to orders and gone on the defensive
  • Meeting of the post world-war

    Throughout all the time and war and bloodshed this meeting decided everything about the post-war world. There were various meetings around Paris but the final one would be on the 20th of January. All the leaders of 32 states showed up but only 5 emerged to deal with defeated powers.
  • Attack against Vittorio Orlando

    Armando launched an attack against Vittorio Orlando. This is 2 weeks before the war came to an end. They won this war and it was a great victory for Armando's reputation. The Italians succeeded in destroying the Austro-Hungarian army.
  • End of World War 1

    The end of the war has come and Armando has been praised by the Italian soldiers. He restored the Italian's national pride and put a smile on everybody's face. He earned the reward of Duke of victory in 1921. Armando gets sick and is forced to retire in 1924. He died February 29, 1928 at the age of 66.