World War 1

  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia

    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia accusing the government to have taken part in the assassination of the Archduke
  • Germany declares war on Russia

    Germany declares war on Russia
    After Germany allies with Austria-Hungary and Russia allies with Serbia, Germany declares war on Russia
  • Germany declares war on France

    Germany declares war on France
    After France allies with with Serbia, Germany declares war on France and invades.
  • Britain declares war on Germany

    Britain declares war on Germany
    After Germany invades Belgium, Britain declares war on Germany
  • First battle of Marne takes place

    First battle of Marne takes place
    the first battle of Marne was the first battle in the war where France and Germany reached a stalemate which lasted for three grueling years
  • battle of Verdun starts

    battle of Verdun starts
    it was he longest and most costly battle in history with more than 750,000 casualties in total resulting from new trench warfare
  • Tsar Nicholas 2 was overthrown

    Tsar Nicholas 2 was overthrown
    The absolute monarch is overthrown and a new government is formed vowing to keep Russia in the war
  • The United States declares war on Germany

    The United States declares war on Germany
    president Wilson asked congress to declare war on Germany and the Central powers and was given aproval
  • The Bolsheviks rise to power in Russia

    The Bolsheviks rise to power in Russia
    the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, take control of the Russian government establishing communism
  • Treaty of Brest- Litovsk is created

    Treaty of Brest- Litovsk is created
    the Treaty of Brest- Litovsk is created by Russia and Germany allowing Russia to pull back from the war so they can focus on domestic affairs and gives Germany some of the Russian territory in return
  • Battle of Chậteau-Thierry takes place

    Battle of Chậteau-Thierry takes place
    where the Germans broke through allied lines and was the first battle that the Americans fought in. Many Parisians fled in panic since the Germans were now 50 miles from Paris..
  • Battle of Belleau woods takes place

    Battle of Belleau woods takes place
    the battle was the first major battle for the Americans to fight in where they drove out the Germans from the woods
  • battle of Argonne forest takes place

    battle of Argonne forest takes place
    Americans create a line of soldiers from the north sea to Verdun causing German positions to crumble under the unrelenting assault.
  • request for armistice

    request for armistice
    The head of the german government sent wilson a note requesting an armistice which will lead to the end of the war. this day is celebrated as veterans day
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    German delegates signed the treaty ending the war