Fear or dislike of foreigners -
British passanger ship sunk by German U-Boat, 128 Americans died -
Great Migration
movement if Aferican Americans from the South to the industrail cents of the Northeast and MidEast -
militarism imperialism nationalism alliance system lead to war
agreement between two or more nations or powers to cooperate and come to one anothers defence, lead to many countries going to war -
Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferinand
Killed by Serbirian terrorist, main caouse of beginning of WW1 -
Powder Keg
Serbia was a land locked country wanted to unify all Salic people on Balkan Penninsula -
"he kept us out of war"
wilson's presidential platform -
Zimmmermann Telegraph
a message sent by the germans asking mexico to declare war on the US -
Espionage Act
Federal law passed shortly after entrance into WW1, made it a crime to write things against the American war effort or promote the enimies. -
Espionage Act
Federal law passed shortly after entrance into WW1, made it a crime to write things against the American war effort or promote the enimes -
russian revelution
an uprising which let to the imlementation of Alexander Kerensky -
Russian over throw of Czar
Russian revolt to overthrow the czar -
selective service act
required men to register for the draft due to low numbers of men in the army -
War Industry Board created
War industry board created, board controlled raw materials, production and prices -
Fourteen Points
war aims outlines by President Wilson, he believed would promote lasting peace, callled for self- determination, freedom of the seas and free trade -
Influenza Pandemic
deadly global out break of the flu -
Sedition Act
Extened the Espionage Act -
General Pershing and American Expeditionary Force
it assumed responsibility for one segment of the western front, 1st US troops used to weaken French/British lines -
Red scare
the communist party was gaining strength in the US and americans feared commnism -
Schenck v. United States
Schenck convicted for mailing pamplets urging potential army inductries to resist conscriptioin -
The Big Four
when the men who are responsible for helping to construct the 1st ranscontential railroad meet -
Treaty of Versailles
the agreement that ended WWI