
World War 1

  • Assasination of Franz Ferdinand

    Assasination of Franz Ferdinand
    Franz Ferdinand was the Archduke of Austria-Hungary, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne. He was shot dead by Gavrilo Princip, a Serbian Nationalist. Franz was 50 years of age.
  • Period: to

    The July Crisis

    The July Crisis was a series of key events that led to the First World War.
  • Germany supports Austria-Hungary

    Germany supports Austria-Hungary
    Germany responds to Austria-Hungary's demand for Serbia to be punished by giving them a "Blank Cheque".This simply means that Germany will take all necassary measures to help Austria-Hungary.
  • Austria-Hungary threatens war against Serbia!

    Austria-Hungary threatens war is Serbia do not meet a long list of demands withing 24 hours. The list was compiled of 10 demands, which were hard for the Serbian Government to promise to uphold.
  • Russia aids Serbia

    Russia aids Serbia
    Russia decides to help Serbia in hope of undermining the Austrian influence in the Balkans.
  • Serbia can't fulfil Austria-Hungary's demands

    Serbia met all but one of the demands, making Austria-Hungary somewhat angry, using this as an excuse for revenge against the Archduke's death,
  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia

    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
    The war has started, with Austria-Hungary declaring war on Serbia.
  • Germany declares war on Russia

    Germany declares war on Russia
    Germany declares war on russia, on this same day, France saw an opportunity for revenge against Germany so they assembled there forces in order to help Russia.
  • Germany declares war on France

    Germany declares war on France
    Germany was frightened of having to fight a war on two fronts, so in fear they declared war on France.
  • Britain declares war on Germany

    Britain declares war on Germany
    Britain supports it's allies and declares war on Germany. On the same day, Germany invaded Belguim who was currently neutral, giving Britain more reason to declare war against the Germans.
  • Turkey joins the war.

    Turkey joins the war.
    Turkey joined the war on Germany's side. Trench warfare started to dominate the Western Front, resulting in the start of a slow battle.
  • ANZAC Troops land in Gallipoli

    ANZAC Troops land in Gallipoli
    The ANZAC troops land on the beaches of Turkey, (A.K.A the Ottoman Empire) The troops suffered sever casualties when they landed as the Turk's were already entrenched, mowing down ANZAC troops.
  • Italy backstabs Germany/Austria-Hungary!

    Italy backstabs Germany/Austria-Hungary!
    Italy left the triple alliance and joined the triple entete, After a dispute with Austria-Hungary because the Triple Alliance was "Defensive in nature", Italy left and joined the Triple Entete. However Italy and Austria-Hungary's disputes date back a long time.
  • Battle of Lone Pine

    This battle lasting for 4 days and involving Australia and the Turks in Gallipoli.
  • Battle of the Nek

    Australian forces were ordered to advance towards the Turkish (Ottoman) forces a mere 27 metres away. However, heavily entrensched Turks obliterated Australian forces.
  • Evacuation from Gallipoli

    Evacuation from Gallipoli
    ANZAC's, fighting a losing battle, retreated from Gallipoli.
  • Conscription in Britain

    Conscription in Britain
    Conscription was introduced in Britain, meaning men in a certain field are required to fight for Britain's army.
  • Battle of Somme

    France and Britain took a leap of agression against the German forces. After 10 days of fighting, there was little to no victory on either side, with Britain gaining 2 miles for 480,000 men. This meant 1cm cost 2 men.
  • Conscription in Australia

    Conscription in Australia
    Prime Minister Hughes asked the people of Australia if they would agree to men being forced to fight for our country. The act was voted upon and turned down with 1,087,557 in favour and 1,160,033 against.
  • Britain requests Australian troops

    Britain sought a division for more troops. Australia had to provide 7000 troops per month to meet this request, sparking the conscription debate once more. However it was defeated again, 1,015,159 in favour and 1,181,747 against.
  • Germany asked for an armistice

    Germany asked for an armistice
    Germany asked both parties to agree to stop fighting.
  • The end of WWI

    The end of WWI
    Germany signed the armistice, making this the officail date of the end of the war, with the Triple Entente (Allies) becoming victor's.