Constantine transfers from the Roman Empire to Byzantium
Period: 330 to 1453
The Byzantine era
Saint Jerome is born in Italy
Saint Jerome, is known most commonly for his Latin translation of the Bible, called the Vulgate. He also worked as secretary to the pope, and started his career as a priest. -
Ambrose, bishop of Milan, brings hymns to the west
Augustine is born in Algeria
Augustine was a philosopher in the fourth century, taking much inspiration from Plotinus, as he was one of the main spreaders of neoplatonism, and mended said philosophy with Christian doctrine. -
Theodosius' reign begins
The final emperor to rule over both halves of the Roman empire, Theodosius spent most of his career trying to defend against barbarians and keep the grand empire's title safe. -
Theodosius makes Christianity the state religion
Theodosius' reign ends
Saint Jerome dies of natural causes near Bethlehem
Augustine dies of illness in Algeria
Middle Ages begin
Taking place after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the Middle Ages was also known as the Medieval Period; it was known for the occurrence of the Black Death, the publishing of the Magna Carta, and all the notorious pieces of Medieval life like castles, peasants, kings, and knights. -
Constantinople is the largest city in the world
Plagues occur
Pope Gregory the first's reign begins
Pope Gregory had an incredibly large reach in his work, converted many Anglo-Saxons to Christianity and spreading God's word far and wide. -
Pope Gregory the first's reign ends
Icons are banned
Icons were banned due to the belief that worshiping art had become more worship of the object itself rather than what the art represents. Thus, when they were band there was much rage and haste in their removal from Churches, leading to small scale conflict. -
Estimated: Beowulf is written
An Old English classic, and one of the most important pieces of literature ever written, Beowulf is an iconic hero story. With a massive and epic scope and several large scale conflicts, Beowulf is revered by all. -
Charlamagne crowned emperor
In his reign he ruled most of Europe, uniting its western and central segments. He was the first emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and spread Christianity with much success. -
Icons are brought back
Period: 1000 to 1150
Romanesque style
Known for its semi-circular arches, massive scope, and thick walls, the Romanesque style was a turning point in architecture and remains influential to this day. -
The Norman Conquest
The Norman Conquest was a turning point in Europe's history, leading to one of the biggest monarchies in human history, and helping remove the Scandinavian influence from common culture. -
Building of the Basilica of Saint Denis finished
Period: 1150 to 1250
Gothic style
The Gothic architectural style built upon and exaggerated that of the Romanesque style; it featured massive windows, even taller arches, and expanded vaulting, and swapped out the thick walls of Romanesque in favor of thinner walls. -
Genghis Khan is born in Mongolia
Estimated to have killed 10% of the world's population during his reign, Genghis Khan is seen as the greatest invader of all time. A ruthless and brutal leader, he founded the Mongol empire which would go on to become the second largest in history. -
Berlinghiero is born in Italy
Employing a late Romanesque style, Berlinghiero, whose real name is unknown, was an avid user of the Christian symbolism and religious imagery. His most famous piece, Madonna and Child, featured an intensely unrealistic style with almost alien looking subjects. -
Constantinople is sacked
Magna Carta is published
Quite possibly the most important document in the history of politics, the Magna Carta established the ideals that everyone is subject to accountability, both for the good and the bad, and a fair trial. -
Thomas Aquinas is born in Italy
Thomas Aquinas was a philosopher, theologian, priest, and Doctor of the Church, and creator of the Thomistic school of theology; he was an incredibly innovative and forward-thinking figure of the Middle ages. -
Genghis Khan dies from unknown reasons in China
Madonna and Child is painted
Painted by Berlinghiero Berlinghieri, Madonna and Child entailed a distinctly unrealistic style, tempera paint on wood, and crushed up gold scattered within the painting. The piece features Mary and baby Jesus as its subjects. -
Berlinghiero dies from unknown reasons in Italy
Marco Polo is born in Italy
Up there with Christopher Columbus for most iconic explorer of all time, Marco Polo traveled from Europe to China, where he then lived for nearly two decades and wrote a novel documenting his treks. -
Dante is born Italy
Author of one of the most infamous pieces of literature in human history with The Divine Comedy, Dante was otherwise an incredibly well-known and theologically dense writer. -
Giotto is born in Italy
Both a painter and architect, Giotto was an early influence on the Renaissance which would come a century later. Also called father of the European Paintings, the influence of Giotto is undeniable. -
Thomas Aquinas dies
Period: 1300 to
The Renaissance era
Notable events were the insurgence of humanism, the return to more classic ideals but retaining of a new style, and the overall shift of God leaving the spotlight and man taking His place. -
Dante is exiled
Dante was convicted of corruption in political office and faced 2 years in exile as well as a hefty fine which he refused to pay on account of his innocence. Due to this he was sentenced to death for refusal to pay. -
Petrarch is born in Italy
Possibly the most important figure in the Renaissance altogether, Petrarch was instrumental in the founding of Renaissance humanism and thus all the art that came after it. -
Boccaccio is born in Italy
Creator of The Decameron which was then adapted by William Shakespeare in the play All's Well That Ends Well. Boccaccio was an influential writer in the movement. -
Dante dies of malaria in Italy
Marco Polo dies of consumption
Giotto dies of unknown causes in Italy
Plagues reoccur
Petrarch dies of a stroke in Italy
Boccaccio dies of heart failure in Italy
Brunelleschi is born in Italy
Filipo is now seen as the original sole engineer, planner, and supervisor, and is credited with founding Renaissance architecture. His designs and ideas led the movement. -
Donatello is born in Italy
Not only one of the greatest sculptors of all time, but one of the most influential as well, helping popularize the art form in the first place. His worked spanned from sculpting humans, animals, and much more to helping create a massive bronze door in Florence. -
Massacio "Father of Renaissance paintings" is born in Italy
Prince Henry the Navigator's expedition to Africa
Masaccio dies, supposedly poisoned by a rival painter
Joan of Arc lead the French Royal Army in battle
The most notable female warrior in human history, Joan of Arc was a valiant leader for France and successfully destroyed England's attempt at conquering them. -
Adoration of the Lamb is completed
Also known as the Ghent Altarpiece, it is a masterpiece with multiple folding panels and a massive scale. It features a crowd of people praising a symbolic lamb up on a stage with a cross to its back. -
Printing press is invented
Invented during Gutenberg's exile from Germany and his stint in France, the printing press completely flipped the accessibility and quantity of books on its head. Without it our recorded history would be fragments of what it is today. -
Brunellesechi dies from unknown causes in Italy
Josquin des Prez is born in Belgium
A French composer of the Renaissance, Josquin utilized and popularized a polyphonic vocal style. His melodies are known for being especially beautiful. -
Gutenberg's printing of the Bible
One of the original printed books, Gutenberg's edition of the bible was also known as the 42 line bible because each page had two columns of 42 lines each. -
Leonardo da Vinci is born in Italy
The prime example of a Renaissance man, Leonardo is an entirely respectable pick as smartest human to ever walk the earth. He nearly mastered sculpting, engineering, painting, architecture, writing, and much more. The Mona Lisa is also possibly the most iconic piece of art in any medium. -
Constantinople falls
The product of a 53 long day siege, the fall of Constantinople was orchestrated by the Ottomans and remains one of the most notorious falls of any empire in history. -
Donatello dies of diseases in Italy
Durer is born in Germany
Durer utilized a unique style of metal engraving transferred with ink to paper, and it created such masterpieces as Saint Jerome in his Study and Melancolia. -
Nicolaus Copernicus is born in Poland
An astronomer and mathematician that was truly ahead of his time, Copernicus was doubted and belittled his entire life. He correctly believed the Sun was at the center of our solar system, not the Earth, but the Catholic Church vehemently disagreed and consequently made his life terrible to get back at him. -
Michelangelo is born in Italy
A man with full reign over the medium of sculpting, Michelangelo is in a league of his own. Able to do the relatively unheard of feat of sculpting entirely out of one piece of marble, he created infamous masterpieces like Pieta and David. -
Martin Luther is born in Germany
One of the biggest players in the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther was a man of many titles, trying his hand in composing, theology, working as a priest, and a stint as a monk. -
Raphael is born in Italy
Raphael is known best for his works in the Vatican, but he also made paintings on his own and is an incredibly iconic figure of the Renaissance movement. -
Pieta is finished
Pieta is an intensely captivating masterpiece of a sculpture made from a single block of marble, and displays Mary holding Jesus at his final moments, completely weak and laying in her arms as though he was a kid again. -
Middle Ages end
Michelangelo's David is finished
John Calvin is born in France
John Calvin, founder of the Calvinism ideology, was a big believer in complete sovereignty of God and predestination, and popularized both these beliefs. He worked as a theologian as well as pastor. -
Saint Jerome in His Study is created
Saint Jerome in his study features many unique aspects, such as a tiger, a dog, a human skull, and more all inside the titular study. Most unique of all, however, was the medium itself. The painting isn't even a painting at all, as it is a metal engraving transferred to ink and paper. -
Leonardo da Vinci dies of a stroke in France
Raphael dies of a fever in Italy
Josquin des Prez dies of unkown causes in France
Durer dies of malaria in Germany
Nicolaus Copernicus dies of a stroke in Poland
Martin Luther dies of a stroke in Germany
John Calvin dies of tuberculosis in Switzerland
Michaelangelo dies from an illness in Italy
Galileo Galilei is born in Italy
Galileo is known best for finishing what Copernicus started. He helped prove once and for all that the Sun was at the center of our solar system. Despite this, the Catholic Church did not take well to Galilei either and he spent much of his life on house arrest, where he died. -
Johannes Kepler is born in Germany
Kepler was the creator of the laws of planetary motion, and writer of the Astronomia nova among others. He played an integral role in the 17th century scientific revolution and forever changed the field of science. -
Period: to
The Baroque era
The Baroque era saw the Reformation take place, as well as the popularity of composers Bach, Handel, Vivaldi, and painters Rembrandt and Vermeer among many others. -
Johannes Kepler dies of acute disease in Germany
Galileo Galilei dies of a fever in Italy
Bach is born in Germany
Sebastian created a whopping 1100 pieces in his lifetime. He is very clearly one of the most iconic and important figures in all of music, creating masterpieces such as the Goldberg Variation. -
Handel is born in Germany
One of the more overlooked of the greatest composers of all time, Handel proved himself in a league with Bach and Mozart, creating the most famous oratorios of all time, Messiah. -
Haydn is born in Austria
Bach dies of a stroke in Germany
Mozart is born Austria
A prodigy from a young age, Mozart was a prolific composer in genres such as opera and classical, and symphony. One of the most iconic and important musical figures of all time. -
Handel dies of unknown causes in England
Beethoven is born in Germany
Mozart dies, supposedly of a fever, in Austria
The Louisiana Purchase occurs
The Louisiana Purchase was a transaction between Thomas Jefferson and Napoleon, representing the U.S and France respectively. France sold the state of Louisiana to the U.S for 15 million dollars. -
Lewis and Clark Expedition
The expedition had many goals, some of which were sovereignty in the United States, beginning active trade with the natives, and find waterways connected to the Pacific. -
Haydn dies of infirmity in Austria
The Camera is invented
Beethoven dies of cirrhosis of the liver in Austria
Brahms is born in Germany
A Composer in the Romantic period, Brahms was an ultra-traditionalist, sticking by the ways of composers before him in an era where everyone else was straying from the norm. -
The Telegraph is invented
Created by Samuel Morse, the telegraph was a revolutionary invention in the field of long distance communication. It started a string of inventions that lead to many inventions used hourly by the entire planet. -
Brahms dies of hepatocellular carcinoma in Austria