World history

World History Timeline . By Jnae Squires - Horton .

  • Oct 25, 1215

    King John signs Magna Carta

    Gave written recongition to the realtionship between king and vassals was based on mutal rights and obligations .
  • Oct 25, 1337

    Hundred Year War Begins .

    Fought between English and French for control of territory .
  • Oct 25, 1347

    Black Death Starts .

    The Bubonic Plague was spread by rats and fles , but afftected one third of the population .
  • Oct 25, 1350

    Italiann Renaissance Begins .

    A period of European histroy that began in Italy and spread to the rest of Europe .
  • Oct 25, 1492

    Columbus reaches Americas .

    Sailed for India but ended up discovering Americas .
  • Oct 25, 1517

    Martin Luther nails 95 thesis to church .

    95 reasons and ways catholic church is wrong and corrupt.
  • Oct 25, 1518

    Spanish ship carries first enslaved Africans to the Americas .

    Sets a start to the slave trade .
  • Oct 25, 1534

    Henry VII initates creation of church of England .

    Catholic Church denies him a divorce so he creates the church oh England .
  • Oct 25, 1543

    Copernicus publishes his proposal of sun centered universe .

    Scholar decided that the sun didnt rotate around Earth .
  • Seven Year War begins .

    A war over succession of Austrain Throne .
  • European War ened .

    French left India to Birtish. Fighting over terriotry in India .
  • American Colonies declare independence from Britan .

    Americans thought that , it wouldnt make sense so they made their own goverment .
  • Geroge Washington inaugurated as first US president .

    Strong leader to start the country off on a new note .
  • Congress bans slave trade between US and other countries .

    The new system of goverment was divided so they decided to just say no more slaves into our country ,
  • Women started voicing their desire for right and freedoms .

    They wanted to have thier own rights in the future and have own property .
  • Mexico delcares independence from Spain .

    Mexico becomes their own country .
  • Opium War beigns in China .

    Became a war between authority and drug dealers .
  • US Civil War beings .

    The industrailized wanted to make slaves out of the slave holders in the South ,
  • Confederate forces surrender ending American Civil War .

    The army didnt have supplies and were not only fighting the war but battling the srtuggle to survive .
  • German unification achieved under William I .

    Two sides of Germany form a single nation ruled by one leader and one set goverment .