
World History - Simon Wiedel

  • Period: Jan 31, 1350 to

    Chapter 19-20

  • Mar 4, 1394

    Prince Henry of Portugal is Born

    Prince Henry of Portugal is Born
    Prince Henry would eventually grow up to start the school of navigation. Sailors and navigators would come into this school, looking and eventually find their way to India by going around Africa.
  • Period: Jan 10, 1400 to

    Chapter 17

  • Mar 23, 1402

    Yonglo becomes Ming Emperor

    Yonglo becomes Ming Emperor
    Opened up the Grand Canal of China, allowing goods to be traded throughout the Ming Empire much easier.
  • Jan 18, 1405

    Zeng He captains his first voyage

    Zeng He captains his first voyage
    This was the start of the showing of the power of the Ming Dynasty at the time. It also allowed the chinese to go and taking over in a way different ports throughout the eastern world.
  • Sep 11, 1408

    Donatello creates his David statue

    Donatello creates his David statue
    When the statute was created, it created a symbol of strength for the city of Florence.
  • Apr 12, 1440

    Johan Gutenburg invents the Printing Press

    Johan Gutenburg invents the Printing Press
    With the creation of the printing press, even though it could not create a single page faster, it could create copies of that same page faster when it came to making books. As more books were being made, many people were able to get these books, helping more people the chance to learn how to read.
  • Mar 9, 1453

    The Hundreds Years' War Ends

    The Hundreds Years' War Ends
    It marked the end of Feudalism, and created a new sense of Nationalism. Both people from France and England, now do not fight for their kings, but for their countries.
  • May 29, 1453

    Fall of Constantinople to the Turks

    Fall of Constantinople to the Turks
    When Constantinople fell to the Turks, it marked the end of the Roman Empire.
  • May 30, 1488

    Bartolomeu Dias reaches Cape of Good Hope

    Bartolomeu Dias reaches Cape of Good Hope
    Reaching the Cape of Good Hope gave sailors a positive aspect on reaching India. They now know that you can get around Africa.
  • Jul 13, 1492

    Ferdinand & Isabella end war with Muslims

    Ferdinand & Isabella end war with Muslims
    Ending the war with the Muslims finally gave Ferdinand and Isabella the money needed to support Christopher Columbus on his voyages to 'India', which he will find that he actually lands in the Americas.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Christopher Columbus spots land in North America

    Christopher Columbus spots land in North America
    Christopher Columbus at first though that he had finally spotted land in India, but instead, right before his crew took over and threw him out, he spotted land in a 'New World', which will later begin exporation for many other explorers.
  • Jun 7, 1494

    Spain & Portugal agree to Treaty of Tordesillas

    Spain & Portugal agree to Treaty of Tordesillas
    Stop the fighting over the lands in the New World, it allowed Portugal to claim land in South America, having a cultural impact on that area from then until now because almost all South American countries speak Spanish, but Brazil still mainly speaks Portuguese.
  • Oct 17, 1498

    Vasco de Gama lands in India

    Vasco de Gama lands in India
    Landing in India created a sailing route back and forth from there back to England. This took away the middle man from trading, also making it easier to carry more goods from one place to another.
  • Jun 15, 1503

    Leonardo DaVinci starts the Mona Lisa

    Leonardo DaVinci starts the Mona Lisa
    It was the beginning to the 16 year process of creating one of DaVinci's most famous masterpieces. This painting eventually gains worldwide popularity.
  • Feb 6, 1507

    Amerigo Vespucci charts New World

    Amerigo Vespucci charts New World
    Created a better representation of the world, even though it wasn't 100% accurate of what the New World looked like, it showed there was a land mass between England and India doing west.
  • Jul 9, 1508

    Michelangelo paints the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

    Michelangelo paints the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
    Michaelangelo faced many challenges with creating this painting, especially having to paint a masterpiece like this one upside down.
  • Oct 8, 1509

    Raphael paints School of Athens

    Raphael paints School of Athens
    The painting was the showing of the High Renessaince and Philosophy.
  • May 10, 1513

    Machiavelli writes The Prince

    Machiavelli writes The Prince
    This book shows the importance of a person's skill during his time. It shows people how to use their talents the right way so they can get and/or keep their position in power.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther posts his 95 Thesis

    Martin Luther posts his 95 Thesis
    The 95 Thesis helped people realize different problems within the Catholic Church at that time, such as the selling of indulgences. The document helped begin the Protestant Reformation.
  • Mar 30, 1518

    Nicolaus Copernicus begins studying planetary movement

    Nicolaus Copernicus begins studying planetary movement
    Lead to the discovery that the Sun was the middle of the universe. Makes it easier to study planetary movement and activity in space today.
  • Feb 3, 1519

    Hernando Cortes lands on Mexican coast

    Hernando Cortes lands on Mexican coast
    Starts the colonization for Spain, and will later lead to the fall of the Aztec Empire.
  • Period: Mar 6, 1520 to

    Chapter 21

  • Sep 20, 1522

    First slave revolts in Hispaniola

    First slave revolts in Hispaniola
    It showed that the slaves did have the power to revolt even if it was in a small way, they were not completely powerless. It also eventually helped lead to the independence of Haiti.
  • Nov 16, 1532

    Francisco Pizzaro meets Atahualpa

    Francisco Pizzaro meets Atahualpa
    When Pizarro went to let Atahualpa look at the Bible, hoping he would accept their God, Atahualpa threw the Bible on the ground, upsetting Pizarro, causing him to dominate Atahualpa and his men, taking them over and eventually holding him for ransom and then killing him.
  • Mar 10, 1533

    Ivan IV came to power

    Ivan IV came to power
    Ivan ruled by terror. He was very paranoid and killed everybody that he thought was against him, even going to the point of killing his brother.
  • Aug 15, 1534

    Jacques Cartier claims land in Canada

    Jacques Cartier claims land in Canada
    He founded the St. Lawrence River, as well as Montreal, or Mt. Royal at the time.
  • May 19, 1536

    Anne Boleyn is executed

    Anne Boleyn is executed
    When King Henry VIII executed Anne Boleyn, it really showed how far he would go to allow himself another shot at having a son with a woman.
  • Oct 12, 1537

    Edward VI is born

    Edward VI is born
    Edward is King Henry VIII's first son, so now he has a successor to the throne.
  • Apr 19, 1541

    Ignatius of Loyola founds the Jesuit order

    Ignatius of Loyola founds the Jesuit order
    The Jesuits would go out and teach people, bringing back a lot of the Protestants to Christianity.
  • Oct 1, 1553

    Mary I becomes Queen

    Mary I becomes Queen
    After much of Englang were getting used to the Protestant religion, Mary I tried to force everyone back to Catholicism, which involved the persecution of many people.
  • Mar 6, 1558

    Spain was defeated in the Battle in the English Channel

    Spain was defeated in the Battle in the English Channel
    When the Spanish lost the battle, it took the from being the top power in the world at the time and created a 'race' with the other countries to take over this top spot.
  • Nov 17, 1558

    Elizabeth I becomes Queen

    Elizabeth I becomes Queen
    The persection of people stops for the most part, and Elizabeth focuses on strengthening the Angelican Church.
  • Mar 6, 1580

    Phillip II becomes king

    Phillip II becomes king
    Phillip II was a shy but serious ruler and was also very religious. He gained lots of wealth from the empire, and also helped Spain in different wars.
  • Period: to

    Chapter 22

  • English East India Company is founded

    English East India Company is founded
    Not only began trading with India, but also took part in colonizing the sub-continent.
  • Dutch East India Company is Founded

    Dutch East India Company is Founded
    Began European trade with the East and the British. They started to see the value of trade with those in the east.
  • Don Quixote de la Mancha

    Don Quixote de la Mancha
    When this book was writting and published, it was considered to be the birth of the modern European novel.
  • Henry Hudson is last seen

    Henry Hudson is last seen
    His crew took over, still believing to find a passage through North America to India, they continued looking and hoping to make it through without Henry, who had already made so many important discoveries.
  • William Shakespeare dies

    William Shakespeare dies
    During Shakespeare's life, he become one of the best play writers of all time. Even after his death, all of his plays continued to grow in popularity, still being famous today.
  • Thirty Years' War

    Thirty Years' War
    This war ended up weakening Spain, Austria, and the Holy Roman Empire, but it caused France to become stronger. All of the states now called eachother equal.
  • Cardinal Richelieu becomes leader in France

    Cardinal Richelieu becomes leader in France
    Cardinal Richelieu was a focused and ruthless leader. He wanted to make France very powerful, focusing mostly on making the government more powerful, by taking many different steps. Some of these steps included making the Huguenots vunerable, making the nobles weak, and finally by fighting the Hapsburgs.
  • Charles I becomes king

    Charles I becomes king
    Charles always needed money, and when Parliament refused to give him funds, he would dissolve it. Eventually, Charles would sign the Petition of Right, setting the idea that the law was higher than the king.
  • Rene Descartes lays out his scientific method in Discourse on Method

    Rene Descartes lays out his scientific method in Discourse on Method
    When solving problems with different technologies or other things, even the smartest of scientists use the scientific method to go about figuring different things out.
  • Louis XIV takes control of the government

    Louis XIV takes control of the government
    Finally taking over at the age of 23, Louis XIV would become the most powerful king that France has ever had, but because he was known for spending France's wealth on himself, and because he repressed many people, the French citizens celebrated when he died in 1715.
  • Oliver Cromwell becomes king

    Oliver Cromwell becomes king
    Cromwell would try to create a republican form of government, but it would eventually turn into a military dictatorship.
  • New Netherlands becomes New York

    New Netherlands becomes New York
    Britain's land claims were now connected to each other, allowing easier trade and communication between all colonies.
  • La Salle claims Mississippi River for Spain

    La Salle claims Mississippi River for Spain
    Claiming the Mississippi River, gives you all the land that touches it. When La Salle claimed it, he ended up claiming almost half of the now 'United States'.
  • Isaac Newton published his laws of gravity in Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy

    Isaac Newton published his laws of gravity in Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
    Created a question that is still controversal with many different religions, which is questioning whether or not God was/is necessary as an active force within the universe.
  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
    The Glorious Revolution came from the overthrowing of James II. From this, a constitutional monarchy would be created, which would allow Parliament to later draft a Bill of Rights, which are a basis for lots of things involving the US government today.
  • Peter The Great goes on The Great Embassy

    Peter The Great goes on The Great Embassy
    After becoming the sole czar, Peter worked to reform Russia, and to do this, he had to get it away from the feudalistic system, followed by creating the goal of westernization. In order to get an idea of what the west is doing, he went on this Great Embassy, which was tough being 6' 4" tall.
  • War of the Spanish Succession

    War of the Spanish Succession
    This was a very costly war, but would end up coming to the signing of the Treaty of Utrecht, which allowed Phillip to have control of Spain as long as it stays separate from France.
  • St. Petersburg becomes capital

    St. Petersburg becomes capital
    Finally gave Russia a western seaport to trade with Western Europe.
  • Voltaire is exiled to England

    Voltaire is exiled to England
    Because he was exiled, Voltaire became a firm believer in freedom of thought and expression. With of the impact of his thoughts, those ideas were put into our current Bill of Rights.
  • War of Austrian Succession (with Maria Theresa)

    War of Austrian Succession (with Maria Theresa)
    Frederick II thought he could easily take over Austria because Maria Theresa, a girl, was in power. Maria Theresa would actually go into the battlefield. She would eventually lose Silesia at the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle.
  • Frederick the Great begins his reign in Prussia

    Frederick the Great begins his reign in Prussia
    Frederick pushed to enlighten his people and to reform Prussia. He is an example, especially to leaders in America today to work to make their country better, throughout a lot of the country's struggles.
  • Anders Celsius creates his scale for measuring temperature

    Anders Celsius creates his scale for measuring temperature
    Outside of the United States, almost all of the world uses this scale to measure temperature.
  • Baron von Montesquieu purposed separation of power in On the Spirit of Laws

    Baron von Montesquieu purposed separation of power in On the Spirit of Laws
    This separation of power is used within the governement/judicial system in today's times. This system doesn't let one specific group or branch gain too much power.
  • Seven Years' War begins

    Seven Years' War begins
    Forced Britain to put a lot of money into this war to keep the Ohio River Valley and the fur trade. This war put Britain into huge debt.
  • Mary Wollstonecraft is born

    Mary Wollstonecraft is born
    Mary would grow up to be one of the first women ever to fight for the rights that women should have, giving women later in history courage to get the same freedoms that the men today have. Women now can do absolutely everything that each and every other person can do in America.
  • End of the Seven Years' War (Treaty of Paris)

    End of the Seven Years' War (Treaty of Paris)
    With the end of this war, France lost its colonies in North America, and Britain gained sole economic domination of India.
  • Cesare Baccaria writes against torture in On Crimes and Punishment

    Cesare Baccaria writes against torture in On Crimes and Punishment
    This allowed fairness with the punishments given to people. Doesn't allow someone to be punished severely for something small, but also keeps the punishment for those who did something terrible at the level that it should be.
  • Denis Diderot publishes the first volumes of his Encyclopedia

    Denis Diderot publishes the first volumes of his Encyclopedia
    The Encyclopedia helped spread Enlightment ideas to people throughout Europe. These ideas included things about government which America uses today and also many ideas on different technologies which we use today. It also helped spread confidence in a future, allowing people to venture, creating a better place
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    This event describes how Americans are today, it showed that people then weren't afraid to speak out for what they felt was right, and the same goes for people today. People want freedom, whether it be politically, religiously, etc., and they aren't afraid to go to great lengths to get it or at least let their voices be heard.
  • British Army and American Militia exchange fire at Lexington, Massachusetts

    British Army and American Militia exchange fire at Lexington, Massachusetts
    When these groups exchanged fire, it was the start of the Revolutionary War, which would lead to America gaining its freedom, which we still have today.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The signing of this document gave freedom to America, allowing it to become its own country. We still have this freedom today.
  • Joseph II abolishes serfdom in Austria

    Joseph II abolishes serfdom in Austria
    Gave an example for today's world, showing that everyone should get paid for their work all the work that they do.
  • Delegates at the Constitution Convention sign the Constitution

    Delegates at the Constitution Convention sign the Constitution
    The Constitution was and still is today the basis to our government. Everything that happens today within the government system is centralized around this document.