world history timeline

  • 1364

    firearms (inventions)

    firearms (inventions)
    The invitation of firearms changed the world in so many ways, for one they are now used on the daily. people use firearms in many ways such as hunting, self protection, and to protect others. The first gun was called the organ gun:
  • 1386

    birth of donatello (artist)

    birth of donatello (artist)
    Donatello was know as a sculptor from Italy. His art were either made out of bronze or marble. He is know threw out the Renaissance as one of the greatest artist. Donatello and other Renaissance artist have had people named after them.
  • 1397

    Cosimo de medici (patrons of the atrs)

    Cosimo de medici (patrons of the atrs)
    In the year 1397 the Medici family bank opened. Cosimo de Medici was the one who represented and managed the finances of the bank. he is also a patron of atrs, this concludes that he gave funds to the arts.
  • 1440

    printing Press (inventions)

    printing Press (inventions)
    The printing press is a invention that changed the live of many. It made it possible for authors and others to have a paper or book mass produced. Martin Luther was one of the ones who used this invention to mass produce his 95 thesis and his translation of the bible.
  • 1452

    Birth of Leonardo Da Vinci (artists)

    Birth of Leonardo Da Vinci (artists)
    Leonardo is a very important in the renaissance. He is one i would call a top tier artist of the time. He was an artist, architect, painter, sculptor, engineer, and a musician. He is most know for his paintings. One of his most recognized pieces was the monalisa.
  • 1469

    Lorenzo de Medici (patron of the arts)

    Lorenzo de Medici (patron of the arts)
    In the year 1469 lorenzo ruled over florence. what makes him such a remarkable man was that he was a patron of the arts. this ment that he gave funds and donated to artists.
  • 1475

    bith of Michelangelo (artist)

    bith of Michelangelo (artist)
    Michelangelo was a painter, sculptor, and an architect. He was known to be the best artist of his lifetime. His most famous artwork was called David, which was a sculpture.
  • 1483

    Birth of Raphael (atrist)

    Birth of Raphael (atrist)
    Raphael most famous as a painter but her was also a architect from Italy. He was very famous then and still is now. His most famous painting is school of athens.
  • 1493

    Papal bull (liberty works)

    Papal bull (liberty works)
    This document was written by pope Leo X. The purpose of writing the papal bull was to spread Christianity worldwide. It also stated that land not own by Christians wasn't land and could still be discovered.
  • 1498

    The last super (art-artist)

    The last super (art-artist)
    This painting is perhaps the most famous painting. This painting was finished by Leonardo Da Vinci in the year 1498.
  • 1505

    Martin Luther becomes a monk (martin luther-protestant reformation)

    Martin Luther becomes a monk (martin luther-protestant reformation)
    Luther was in collage before he became a monk. He was cought in a really bad storm and to get out safely he prayed to God and told him he would become a monk if God spared his life. This is when he went to the monastery to become a monk.
  • Apr 18, 1506

    construction of the basilica (catholic church)

    construction of the basilica (catholic church)
    On April 18th,1506 the construction started. This was a huge deal for the people of the catholic church. The catholic church sold indulgences to raise money for the building of the basilica, but it wasnt open to public till the year 1626.
  • 1517

    indulgences (the catholic church)

    indulgences (the catholic church)
    In the year 1517 a man by the name of John tetzel sold indulgences for the church. Indulgences are a piece of paper that said a loved one of your choice or you could go strait to heaven instead of going to purgatory. This helped the catholic church a lot over the years to raise money.
  • 1517

    latin (catholic church)

    latin (catholic church)
    During this time the bible was only in Latin which meant that most people couldn't read it. This meant that the majority of people were being miss lead by the pope and higher ups in the church. The people not being able to read the bible had all types of problems, they would believe anything that they head and would buy into indulgences and other things that were wrong at the time.
  • 1517

    95 thesis (literary works)

    95 thesis (literary works)
    The 95 thesis was written by none other than Martin Luther. He wront these statements to show what wrongs things were goining on in the church. They staited hat God would judge based off of faith and not things like indulgences.
  • 1520

    burning of the papal bull (martin Luther- protestant reformation)

    burning of the papal bull (martin Luther- protestant reformation)
    Martin Luther whom people call a heretic burned pope Leo X's papal bull. In the papal bull the things that were written weren't "in the guide lines" of the church. They tried Martin as a heretic and out of anger he and his followers burned the papal bull.
  • 1521

    martin luther is kicked out (martin luther-protestant reformation)

    martin luther is kicked out (martin luther-protestant reformation)
    Pope Leo X basically kicked Luther out of the catholic church. He was kicked out because he didn't want to recant (give in) to his "wrong" doings in the church. Because of his actions he was called a heretic.
  • 1522

    German translation of the bible (literary works)

    German translation of the bible (literary works)
    Once Luther was kicked out of the church he went into hiding and he translated the bible into German. This was a big break threw for the people because they could now read the bible for themselves and wouldn't be miss lead by the leaders of the church anymore.
  • 1543

    heliocentric solar system (scientific discoveries)

    heliocentric solar system (scientific discoveries)
    In 1543 the heliocentric solar system was accepted. This new theory caused a lot of people to get into legal trouble and caused lots of problems. People whom believed in this before it was accepted were often put in prison.,php
  • 1550

    Violin (inventions)

    Violin (inventions)
    The violin wasnt made in the year 1550 but it became more popular in this time. The violin was played with a bow and strings. The violin became very famous in modern arts. In music groups such as an orchestra has several violins in it.
  • magnetic compass (scientific discoveries)

    magnetic compass (scientific discoveries)
    1597 the magnetic compass was invented. This invention was a ground breaking discovery that people still use to this day. It was a needle that was in a round container that would point north to the magnetic poles of the earth.
  • telescope (scientific discoveries)

    telescope (scientific discoveries)
    1606 famous astronomer Galileo invented the telescope. This lead to a lot more scientific discoveries and provided more evidence for the heliocentric solar system idea. Once the telescope was invented along came astronomy, and many other scientific breakthroughs.