World history time line

By Aishahe
  • gun powder plot

    gun powder plot
    The gun powder plot was about a group of Catholics who tried to kill king James l and parliament. Their plan was to 36 barrels full of gun powder in one of the cellars underneath the room where the king and parliament where meeting. But they failed everyone was killed and guy fawks was tortured and killed.
  • 30 years of war

    30 years of war
    This was a war that happened between the Catholics and the Protestants. It created conditions that lead to the enlightenment. The war then after 30 years ended with the treaty of Westphalia.
  • The English civil war

    The English civil war
    The English civil war was a war that started in England between the cavaliers and the puritans. The conflict started when the King Charles the first didn’t want to give parliament power. So the war started over money power and religion cause they were tired of the king.
  • Battle of edgehill

    Battle of edgehill
    The battle took place in a field between banburry and war wick. And the kings soilders went down hill to fight the cavaliers and they put the kings sons Charles and James at risk. But because both sides pushed forward none could advance.
  • King Louis XIV takes the throne of France

    King Louis XIV takes the throne of France
    King Louis or the sun king received the throne in may 14 of 1643. He inherited the throne when he was only four years old with eight months. This happened after the sudden death of his father.
  • First battle of newbury

    First battle of newbury
    It was one of the first battles of the English civil war. It was led by King Charles. It was a royalist army vs. parliamentary force. The parliamentary force won, this battle happened September 20 of the year 1643
  • Second battle of newburry

    Second battle of newburry
    It was one of the first battle fought in the English civil war. It was a war of parliamentary forces vs. royalist.the parliamentary army claimed the victory even though the kings army did not retreat. This battle happened close to where the first battle of Newbury took place.
  • Battle of naseby

    Battle of naseby
    This is a battle that happened during the first English Vivian war near the village of naseby. The parliamentary army was lead by Oliver Cromwell and sir Thomas Fairfax and the royalist army lead by King Charles and prince Rupert. The parliamentary army defeated the royalist army. This marked the beginning of the end for e the royalist in the war.
  • The glorious revolution

    The glorious revolution
    The revolution started when James II daughter kicked him out of the throne and took over with her husband. This marked the end of absolute monarchy. And they signed the English bill of rights.
  • The treaty of Paris

    The treaty of Paris
    Ended the American Revolutionary War. This ended the conflict between both countries. Signed in Paris by representatives of king George 3
  • Storming of the bastille ( French rev beginning)

    Storming of the bastille ( French rev beginning)
    The people stormed the bastille to get gunpowder.When they did this 4 people died and they released the prisoner. This marked the begging of the French Revolution.
  • Bill defeated by parliament

    Bill defeated by parliament
    The bill for the abolishment of slavery in Great Britain was blocked. Last where against the abolishment 49 adjourned until the following week.
  • Elias Howe practical sewing machine

    Elias Howe practical sewing machine
    Elias Howe figured out how to make clothes another way. He patented the first practical sewing machine. He discovered this on July 9 1819
  • The force bill

    The force bill
    President Andrew Jackson (American president) sign the bill of force bill. That gave him power to use troops to enforce the law.
  • Beginning of the Victorian era

    Beginning of the Victorian era
    In the history of the United Kingdom the Victorian era is known as the time when queen Victoria ruled in Britain.
  • Victoria is crowned

    Victoria is crowned
    King Williams IV niece took over as queen when she was only 18. This was because her uncles had no kids that where alive. The coronation took place on June 28
  • Slavery abolished in British empire

    Slavery abolished in British empire
    Children under the age of 6 were free under terms of 1833 emancipation act. The rest were bounded as apprentices to pay off their debt . Then later in 1838 they were but plantation owners received money for freeing them.
  • Queen Victoria marries Prince Albert

    Queen Victoria marries Prince Albert
    Victoria married her cousin Albert.she was was 21 at the time and he was a German prince at the chapel Royal in st James palace. They had nine children.
  • First message on the telegraph is sent

    First message on the telegraph is sent
    The first message on the telegraph was sent. It said “what health God wrought?” It processed slowly and many attempts failed but that lead to Morse code
  • The battle of Palo Alto

    The battle of Palo Alto
    It was the first war in the Mexican- American wars. I took place 5 miles away from Brownsville Texas. This battle took place on may 8th of 1846
  • Los niños heroés

    Los niños heroés
    6 Mexican military cadets who were killed why they were defending mexicos capital during the battle of Chapultepec. This was one of the most important wars in the Mexican- American wars. On September 13 of 1847 American soilders stormed a military school and these kids defended their school and one of the kids wrapped the self’s in the Mexican flag so that the Americans wouldn’t take their flag down
  • Vaccination act passed

    Vaccination act passed
    This act made it so that every would be vaccinated.this would apply to kids born after August 1 1853. They were to be vaccinated against small pox.
  • Crimean war

    Crimean war
    France and Britain declare war on Russia to protect the rights of the minorities. This would be the Christians in the ottoman empire. This took place on march 28 of 1854
  • The origin of species

    The origin of species
    Charles Darwin controversial on the origin of species is published. He questioned the theory of creation. And that’s where Darwinism started.
  • The battle of Puebla

    The battle of Puebla
    On may 5th of 1862 the battle was won by Mexican army. When mexicos president Benito Juarez saw mexicos economy he decided to stop paying of their debt to Spain France and Britain and so these countries fought against Mexico and so Mexican soilders defended Puebla against the french second invasion.
  • Alexander graham bell is awarded patent

    Alexander graham bell is awarded patent
    Alexander graham bell is awarded a patent on the telephone. Then three days later makes the first phone call. This happened in march 7 1876
  • Republic of Cuba

    Republic of Cuba
    The United States granted their freedom to Cuba. One of their terms and conditions was the access to Guantanamo bay. This was a major institution in the 21st century war on terror.
  • The assassination of Fran’s Ferdinand

    The assassination of Fran’s Ferdinand
    He was assassinated in his car with his wife. All because the driver couldn’t reverse. So he ended up in front of of gavrillo princip who wanted to kill him. And gavrillo took the opportunity he had.
  • Begging of world war 1

    Begging of world war 1
    This was the beginning of world war 1. This was a global war that started on July 1914 and it ended nov. 11 1918
  • World War I breaks out

    World War I breaks out
    The collision of empires. It turned into an all global brawl where people where fighting for territory. Due to imperialism
  • The Sykes-picot agreement

    The Sykes-picot agreement
    Great Britain and France sign the Sykes-picot agreement. They sign this treaty in secret because they assume they will defeat the Ottoman Empire. They then divide the Middle East claiming territories.
  • Zimmerman telegram

    Zimmerman telegram
    British intelligence intercepts the Zimmermann Telegram, a secret communication from Germany proposing an alliance with Mexico should the United States enter World War I.
  • Lenin returns

    Lenin returns
    After he escaped out of Russia with the help of Switzerland. Vladimir Lenin returned to Russia with his plan to take over. He led the Russian revolution
  • First report of the Spanish flu

    First report of the Spanish flu
    Camp Funston at Fort Riley, Kansas makes the first report of influenza. The disease spreads overseas to the Western Front. Over the next year this “Spanish Influenza" kills 20 million worldwide.
  • Signing of the armistice

    Signing of the armistice
    On November 11 at 5 am Germany Called for an armistice and the fighting stopped at 11 am. On November 11 German delegates met French forces commander General Ferdinand Foch in a secluded forest north of Paris. This is the end of world war 1
  • Plan of Agra prieta

    Plan of Agra prieta
    The Sonoran dynasty rose in revolt against civilian government carranza. Álvaro obregón vs Carranza, in the end Obregón won, then he became the president. This was part of Mexican revolution and general álvaro obregón became mexicos 46th president.
  • Secretariat of public education in Mexico

    The first development of a public school system in Mexico. This organization was formed on October 3, 1921. This organization changed Mexico’s education system and was influenced by the Mexican revolution.
  • Crystal palace burns down

    Crystal palace burns down
    On November 30 of 1936. Fire struck to the crystal palace and it burned down. Maybe it was faulty wiring, and the reason why it burned down is still unknown.