World History Q3 Extra Credit

  • Haitian Independence

    Haitian Independence
    Jean-Jacques Dessalines led the battle of Vertieres where they defeated the French and gained independence.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    After Napoleon Bonaparte, The Congress of Vienna was made to bring a balance of power in Europe. They wanted to maintain peace and prevent future war.
  • End of the Franco-Prussian War

    End of the Franco-Prussian War
    The treaty of Frankfurt am Main was signed and that is what ended the war.
  • Berlin Conference

    Berlin Conference
    It was done to regulate European colonization and trade in Africa.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    It was started by local peasants but it was eventually supported by the Chinese government. It was a violent group trying to "cleanse" China of all foreigners.
  • Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
    Archduke Ferdinand and his wife Isabella of Austria-Hungary were shot by an group called the black hand sent my serbia. This event is essentially what began World War I.
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    Inflation and food shortages caused the russians to revolt.
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    Sinking of the Lusitania
    The germans suspected that great britain was smuggling supplies out on cruise ships. So, using submarines they blew the lusitania up, killing americans bringing us into the war.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The treaty of versailles was signed to prevent another war and to punish germany.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    It was a time of economic grief for pretty much the whole world after the Wars.