The first book in the "Leviathan" talked about how terms of "good and evil are meaningless"(Hobbes 1). It was published in 1651 in England. Immediately it started affecting governments including the English and the future america. It stated that “Hobbes believed humans are driven by fear of death”, this is a controversial topic. Governments have taken a lot of the topics that hobbs has created and put them in the constitution/code of rules. -
The two treatises on government
The two treatises on government by Locke published in 1690 influenced very important documents like the constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Locke believed that the people had natural rights and should keep the government in check. You have seen evidence when you hear freedom of speech and many others. The people also should have the right to change government if there natural rights weren't being met. -
The spirit of the laws
The spirit of the laws was published by Montesquieu in 1748. His influences were in the constitution. The thought that the people shall elect a leader of there choice was very important. Because the people didn't have the right of freedom of speech he had to publish the book anonymously out of fear of being killed. Everyone had natural rights was something that Montesquieu advocated heavily for. -
the social contract
Rousseau published the social contract in 1762 believed you should surrender yourself to a ruler. In return you will receive rights that the ruler deems fit. This today is a very rare form of government because people don't want one person with absolute power. Some rulers believe that the people don't deserve the same rights as them, mainly because they don't want them speaking out against them. His work hasn't influenced America much but did influence older European culture. -
Crimes and Punishment
Crimes and Punishment by Beccaria was published in 1764. The book talked about law and how it shall affect society. He believed that torture and the death penalty were crimes against humanity and shall not be aloud. The death penalty is going away as we as a society move along, but some argue that it makes crimes like murder look like less of a charge. The means of torture are going away rapidly in war and the criminal system. Beccaria's work has changed crimes and punishment forever.