World History II

By Yunseo2
  • May 29, 1446

    Fall of Constantinople

    Fall of Constantinople
    Fall of Constantinople: 1453
    Ottoman Empire, led by Mehmed II, captures Constantinople, reshaping trade routes and prompting European exploration for alternative paths to Asia.
  • Oct 12, 1491

    Columbus discovers America

    Columbus discovers America
    Columbus discovers America: 1492
    Christopher Columbus, sponsored by Spain, accidentally reaches the Caribbean, inaugurating European exploration of the Americas.
  • Sep 20, 1519

    Magellan circumnavigates the globe

    Magellan circumnavigates the globe
    Magellan circumnavigates the globe: 1519-1522
    Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer under the Spanish flag, leads the first successful circumnavigation despite his death in the Philippines.
  • Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar published

    Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar published
    Shakespeare's Julius Caesar: 1599
    William Shakespeare's play, written and performed in 1599, delves into themes of power, betrayal, and political intrigue.
  • Taj Mahal is built

    Taj Mahal is built
  • Period: to

    Taj Mahal is built

    Taj Mahal construction: 1632-1648
    The Taj Mahal, a stunning marble mausoleum commissioned by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal, is completed in Agra, India.
  • Newton's Laws of gravity published in the Principia

    Newton's Laws of gravity published in the Principia
    Newton’s Laws published: 1687
    Sir Isaac Newton publishes "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica," establishing the laws of motion and universal gravitation, revolutionizing our.