Prince Henry the Navigator
Title - prince Henry the Navigator Description- Prince Henry the Navigator played a very big role during this period. He was in charge and funded the first voyages to Africa. Prince Henry was the first person to play a major role during the entire Age of Discoveries. Including the Atlantic Slave Trade. -
Route to Asia
During the 15th century they were searching for a route to Asia. they chose to sail south around Africa. During this Portugal accumulated a wealth of knowledge about navigation and the geography of the Atlantic Ocean. -
Early Expedition
Early expeditions of French soldiers were believed to discover the new world in 1488. The person who was believed to discover the new world was Jean Cousin. He was believed to land in Brazil and been trading there for years. -
Exploration of Brazil
Portugal was distracted by its efforts on the route to India during the first half of the sixteenth century, but it began to explore and settle in Brazil. Jacques Cartier explored and conquered the region. And soon enough, the Portuguese gained control of Brazil -
Treaty of Tordesillas
In 1494 Portugal and Spain signed the Treaty of Tordesillas. This divided the world into Portuguese and Spanish hemispheres. -
Portuguese arrival in Brazil
When the Portuguese arrived in Brazil in 1500, their situation as colonialists was very different from that of Spain in Mexico and Peru. They did not find an advanced civilisation with hoards of precious metals for plunder, or a social discipline and organisation geared to provide steady tribute which they could appropriate. -
Portugal Slaves
In the first century of settlement, it became clear that it was difficult to use Indians as slave labour. They were not docile, had high mortality when exposed to Western diseases, could run away and hide rather easily. So Portugal turned to imported African slaves for manual labour -
Colonization of Costa Rica
Christopher Columbus colonized Costa Rica in 1502. He named the country "rich coast", but his name for the land was wrong according the locals. Costa Rica has only two rich resources; bananas and coffee. -
Fall of the Yucatan Peninsula
Hernan Cortes was a Spanish conquistador who defeated the Aztecs. He entered their capital of Tenochtitlán, stormed the city and killed their king. The Yucatan Peninsula was lost and the Spanish gained control of the area -
Search for El Dorado
Spanish conquistador Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada searched for the legend of El Dorado from 1536-1538. Many tribes fell to him as he searched for the myth. The Muisca lost large amounts of gold as a result of the expedition. -
Discovery of the Amazon
In 1540, Gonzalo Pizarro and Francisco de Orellana were drawn to the large rain forest central South America. He banded together over 4,300 people to aid him in his search. There were only 340 soldiers and the rest were natives. -
Serigige in Guambera Bay
In 1555, French vice admiral, Nicolas Durand de Villegaignon, led a small fleet of two ships and 600 soldiers and took over a island named Serigige in Guambera Bay. They built a fort and created the settlement called Henriville, in honor of Henry 11. -
France Antarctique
France Antarctique was a colony in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil which existed 1555-1567. The island in now called Villegagnon Island. The settlement was for 500 French Huguenots,(French Protestants). The town would be destroyed in 1567. -
In 1557, the village that was called Henriville wanted to expand. The people of Henriville sent a ship back to France to Henry 11 to bring more people over and bring supplies.The ships returned with many supplies and people. -
Portugal intervene
In 1560, Portugal intervene. They had 26 warships, 2,000 soldiers, on March 15, 1560. They attacked the city and destroyed the fort. -
Queen Elizabeth let's Drake explore
In 1577 Queen Elizabeth established Francis Drake to explore around South America. There were three men in charge, The expedition had five ships. Francis Drake had one man tried for trying to destroy the fleet in a storm. -
Thomas Cavendish
Thomas Cavendish explored South America in 1586, July 21. Thomas had 123 men with three ships. He discovered Port Desire, now known as Puerto Deseado. -
Thomas Cavendish exploration
Thomas Cavendish explored South America in 1586, July 21. Thomas had 123 men with three ships. He discovered Port Desire, now known as Puerto Deseado. -
In 1600, the Chilean city of Valdivia was conquered by the Dutch pirate Sebastian de Cordes. Sebastian de Coreds left the city after a few months, in 1642, the VOC and WIC sent a fleet to Chile to conquer Valdivia and its supposed gold mines. -
The Dutch West Indian Company built a fort in 1616 on the Essequibo River. Dutch people traded with the Indian peoples and, as in Suriname, established sugar plantations worked by African slaves. The coast remained under Dutch control, the English established plantations west of the Suriname River. -
Dutch West India Company
When the Dutch East India Company was founded in 1602, some traders in Amsterdam did not agree with its mono politics, With help from Petrus Plancius, a Dutch-Flemish astronomer, cartographer and clergyman, they sought for a northeastern or northwestern access to Asia to circumvent the VOC monopoly. -
Land in Brazil
From 1630 onward, the Dutch Republic gained control of a large portion of northeastern Brazil from the Portuguese. The Dutch West India Company set up their headquarters in Recife. -
The colony in Suriname had originally been founded in the 1650's. Suriname was captured by the Dutch by Abraham Crijnsen in the Second Anglo–Dutch War. On July 31, 1667, under the Treaty of Breda the Dutch offered New Netherlands including New Amsterdam. -
Conquering Morocco
The Portuguese wanted to conquer Morocco in North Africa. They saw that as a stepping stone to control the gold trade. Prince Henry laid plans to conquer the Moroccan trading port of Ceuta. -
Visigoths Overrun Description
The Iberian Peninsula was overrun in the 5th century A.D by the Visigoths. The Iberian peninsula today is known as Spain and Portugal. In 711 the Visigoths fell to the moors. -
Percy Fawcett
In 1906, Percy went to Brazil to map a jungle for Royal Geographic Society. Hw worked for the British Secret Service. Fawcett claimed to shoot a 62 foot long giant anaconda, a claim for which he was ridiculed by scientists. He reported animals such as a small cat-like dog about the size of a foxhound, which he claimed to have seen twice, and the giant Apazauca spider, it had poisoned a number of locals.