
Noah Emma Carolina Ch. 2 Project

By jnv582
  • Nov 23, 1400

    Inca Empire

    The Incas' capital city was Cuzco in what is now Peru.
  • Nov 23, 1400


    The Incas kept records on groups of colored knotted strings known as Quipus.
  • Dec 9, 1400

    Aztec capital city

    The Aztecs built their capital city Tenochtitlan on two islands in the middle of Lake Texcoco. Today the capital of Mexico, Mexico City is in the same spot.
  • Dec 25, 1400

    Kings and Queens

    Kings and Queens
    Portugal,Spain,France,and England and other European countries were now ruled by monarchs(Kings and Queens)
  • Dec 28, 1400


    Renaissance is French word meaning "rebirth" during this time people were eager to explore unknown lands. In 1450 Gutenberg invented a easier way to print books.
  • Dec 29, 1400


    A compass is an Instrument for finding direction.
  • Feb 23, 1401

    Songhay Empire

    Songhay Empire
    The Songhay Empire controoled many of the market cities.They controlled the trade route through the Sahara.One of the most known rulers was Sunni Ali who ruled from 1464-1492.Under his rule the Songhay Empire exspanded 1,000 miles.
  • Feb 27, 1405

    Zheng He

    Zheng He
    Zheng He sailed to Southeast Asia and to present day Sri Lanka. Zheng He's records of his voyages.
  • Oct 19, 1423


    This ship used triangle sails to travel long distances quikly.
  • Jun 19, 1453

    King John

    King John
    John had decided that he needed to spend as much as possible to find a route to Asia. He asked his son Henry to lead the search.
  • Sep 19, 1453


    Instrument for calculating the positions of the sun, moon, and stars.
  • Aug 27, 1482

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Chris heard of the riches in Asia and wanted to find a route by going West. He first asked the king of Portugal. He was turned down. He then went to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella for support. He was turned down because the Queen was occupied wuth converting Spain. He came back and was granted his wish. On August 3, 1492 he sailed the ocean blue with 90 sailors and three ships called Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria. In Octocber 12 they landed on an island that they called San Salvador.
  • Oct 12, 1488


    Dias commanded a fleet of three ships. In 1488 the ships reached southern Africa,and a storm blow them out to sea. When the winds died down and the sky cleared, Dias realized the storm blow him around to the east coust of the Afica.
  • Oct 23, 1495


    Caboto's course went across America. He returned to England and said he found a place very rich.
  • Nov 12, 1499

    Da Gama

    Da Gama
    Da Gama reached India. He sailed around the cape of good hope with 4 ships. He brought back spices and jewels. Most of his crew did not survive the voyage. His voyage opened a trade route to Asia. Many people sailed this route to trade.
  • May 23, 1508

    Juan Ponce de Leon

    Juan Ponce de Leon
    Ponce de Leon set of to find Bimini. He landed in North America instead and claimed what is now Florida calling it La Florida. He
  • Oct 21, 1519


    Leon never found the riches. Cortes' was a spanish noble he was sent to find gold in the Aztec empire. He landed on the east coast of Mexico. He had 650 soilders and 16 horses. He destroyed all but one ship so escaping is impossible. They found the gold and teamed up with a group of Indians to ovrerthrough the Aztecs. With the help of the Indians they destroyed the Aztecs.
  • Oct 21, 1524


    The king gave Verrazano many ships. He lande dand was taken in by the Indians. His mission was to find a route to Asia through America. He made two voyages that were fails.
  • Oct 24, 1528


    He was sent to capture Florida. He was to capture all the land on the coast.He landed in Tampa Bay with 300 soilders and 40 horses. Other mensearched the Gulf for a year and did not find Narvaes'. Narvaes' tried to find the ships that were left for him but they were not there. The survivors were lost at sea and after a while only four.
  • Aug 2, 1534


    Ten years after Verrazano sailed into New York Bay ,a french Navigator named Jacques Cartier also tried to find the Northwest Passage He made three voyages.
  • Nov 26, 1539


    He fought many bloody battles and only few survived.
  • Oct 21, 1540


    He was sent to find the seven cities of gold. He captured many villages but never found the gold. 100 OF HIS PARTY RETURNED THE REST DIED OR RAN AWAY.
  • Henry Hudson

    Henry Hudson
    After Verrazano and Cartier Henry Hudson looked for the Northwest Passage. He found and named the Hudson River. He spent three months looking for ther huge bay. This bay is called the Hudson Bay