Jan 26, 1500
Discovery of Brazil and the Amazon River- Vicente Yanez Pinzon
After having sailed with Christopher Columbus on the first voyage to the New World, as captain of the Nina, Pinzon sets off with a new crew discovering Brazil. He also became the first European to enter the Amazon, but he mistook it for the Ganges of India due to his inaccurate map. Later that year in 1500, Pedro Alvares Cabral made the "official" discovery of Brazil (which united Europe, America, Africa, and Asia). Years later, Francisco Orellana is credited for dsicovering the Amazon river. -
First Portuguese Trading Post in India- Da Gama's forced treaty with Calicut
Vasco Da Gama is put in charge of a second Indian expedition with his fleet and attacks Arab shipping interests. Da Gama uses force to obtain a treaty of cooperation from Calicut's ruler, and leaves some Portuguese merchants in the region so they can set up trade with spice merchants. -
Apr 27, 1507
"New World" gains the name: America
After reading a report about Columbus' "New World" expedition, written by the Italian sailor Amerigo Vespucci, a German mapmaker, Waldseemüller, officially gives the name for the New World to be "America." He also clarifies that the Caribbean islands Columbus initially explored are named the West Indies. -
Sep 8, 1522
The Vittoria Ventures the First ever Circumnavigation Around the Globe.
The Spanish vessel Vittoria (aka Nao Victoria), completed the circumnavigation of the Earth under the command of the Spanish navigator Juan Sebastián de Elcano. Initially, Ferdinand Magellan led the expedition, but sadly he and four other ships did not survive the entire voyage. The entire expedition lasted three years and was completed on September 8, 1522 -
Present-day Southern United States is explored by Hernando De Soto
Hernando De Soto set out from Spain in April 1538, with 700 men and 20 ships. After a stop in Cuba, the expedition landed at Tampa Bay in May 1539. They moved through Georgia, Carolina, and Tennessee. In mid-1541, the Spaniards crossed the Mississippi River into Arkansas and Louisiana, but in 1542 turned back to the Mississippi. -
Francisco Vázquez de Coronado
Coronado became the first European to explore North America's Southwest. -
Jun 24, 1542
Cabrillo's Exploration of California
Cabrillo is credited as the first European to lead an expedition to explore what is now the west coast of the U.S. and voyage through California. San Diego Bay was the port in which Cabrillo landed and claimed that land for Spain. He initially named that spot, "San Miguel." Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo and his men traveled through Santa Catalina, San Clemente, the Santa Barbara Channel Islands, San Pedro and Santa Monica bays, Point Conception, and Monterey Bay. -
John Davis discovers the Falkland Islands
John Davis was one of Queen Elizabeth I's chief navigators leading several voyages. In seeking a passage through the Strait of Magellan, Davis discovered the Falkland Islands.The Islas Malvinas is a remote South Atlantic archipelago in the United Kingdom. -
English Merchants Discover the East India Company
A group of English merchants hoping to expose trade in Asia and India, broke the Spanish and Portuguese monopoly of the East Indian spice trade. The company later became involved in politics for the British imperialism -
Derch Merchants Found the Dutch East India Company
In the late 1500s, colonies were set up by the Dutch to begin trading around the world. A group of rich merchants found the company which proceeded their mission to be the major commercial power in the East. -
Henry Hudson Hired by Dutch East India Company
Hudson was hired by the Dutch East India Company to find a new trade route from the Americas to India. He was not successful in finding a new trade route, however he did discover the Hudson River, Hudson Bay, and Hudson Strait, all of which he is the namesake for. -
First European to Enter Nepal
João Cabral, a Portuguese Jesuit missionary, became the first European to enter Nepal. His goal was to proliferate Jesusism and spread the teachings of Jesus. -
English Found Massachusetts Bay Colony
The English founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony which only had four-thousand people living in it, however, the population soon grew to over forty-thousand. -
Voyage of Abel Tasman
Taman, a Dutchman, traveled south of the Australian continent and is believed to be the first to view sight of New Zealand. During the same trip he also encountered Tasmania. He is credited with discovering the two lands. -
Dutch Take Over Portuguese Forts in Indian Ocean
The Dutch took over Portuguese forts in the Indian Ocean. They took these forts for the fact that they were placed along the trade route of the ocean and gave them easier accessibility to items. -
English Begin Development of Colonial Empire
After the Massachusetts Bay Colony began to grow, the English started to develop a colonial empire in North America. -
Discovery of Easter Island
Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen lands on Easter Island among other island while attempting to seek Terra Australis. -
La Verendrye Establishes Trading Post
Pierre Gaultier establishes a trading post in the northern half of North America. This post would be the beginning of the fur trade. -
French Explorer Explores Amazon
Charles Marie de La Condamine led the first scientific expedition of the Amazon River, doing so while in South America after studying various plants and seeds. -
James Bruce Discovers Blue Nile
British explorer James Bruce claimed to be the discoverer of the source of the Blue Nile after climbing a vast distance. He also argued that the Blue Nile was the "Nile of the Ancients". -
James Cook Lands on Australia
James Cook and his expedition became the first Europeans to have landed on the Easter coastline of Australia. -
Treaty of Paris
The Treaty of Paris officially marked the end of the American Revolutionary War. America received its independence and the United States doubled in size.