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World History

  • Charles attempts to arrest five members of parliament.

    Charles attempts to arrest five members of parliament.
    A main factor leading to the start of the English Civil War was when Charles 1 tried to arrest five members of parliament. Parliament refused to give Charles what he wanted, so he sent people to arrest its members. However, parliament caught wind of this and the five members fled.
  • King Charles I Beheaded

    King Charles I Beheaded
    At the end of the English Civil War, Charles I was beheaded. The royalists lost to Oliver Cromwell. Charles I was tried with treason and put to death.
  • Charles surrenders to the scots

    Charles surrenders to the scots
    Leading to the end of the war, Charles surrendered to the scots. He had hoped for them to be his allies, but he could not meet their demands. The scots ended up turning him over to parliament.
  • Thomas Hobbes publishes Levithan

    Thomas Hobbes publishes Levithan
    Leviathan was a book written and published by John Locke in 1651. It was one of the earliest examples of the social contract theory. The book displays Hobbes belief for a social contract and rule by an absolute sovereign.
  • The Glorious Revolution

    The Glorious Revolution
    In 1688, William of Orange took the throne from James II in 1688. It had been planned to give the throne to William and Mary, Mary being James II's daughter, and when James heard of this, he fled. This peaceful transition of power was known as the Glorious Revolution.
  • The steam engine is invented

    The steam engine is invented
    Thomas Newcomen made the first successful steam engine. When it first came out it wasn’t very useful, but later paved the way for many useful inventions of the industrial revolution.
  • The Spinning Jenny

    The Spinning Jenny
    James Hargreaves patented his sixteen spindle spinning Jenny. This was a crucial piece for the development of the cotton industry. This was a huge drive for the industrial revolution.
  • Adam Smith published The Wealth of Nations

    Adam Smith published The Wealth of Nations
    In 1776, Adam Smith published his book, the wealth of nations. He invented the term laissez-faire, which means to let things take their own course, of to not interfere. His book speaks of wealth, what causes wealth and how to build wealth.
  • Olaudah Equiano publishes his book

    Olaudah Equiano publishes his book
    On this day Olaudah Equiano publishes a story about his life that he wrote. This was significant because he had been a slave and this was the first book written and published by an African.
  • The storming of Bastille

    The storming of Bastille
    The people of France were unhappy, so they stormed the Bastille to free the prisoners there and obtain the gunpowder and weapons kept there. They freed 7 prisoners, 18 people died with 7 of them being guards. They tore down the Bastille brick by brick.
  • March of the Women

    March of the Women
    Also known as the bread march, this event was made by the women tired of starving. While the royal family was eating luxuriously in their palace, the people of France were all starving to death.
  • Louis XVI is killed

    Louis XVI is killed
    Some people wanted Louis XVI to be exiled, others wanted him killed. In the end, the decision was made that he was a traitor to France and put on trial for treason. King Louis XVI was sent to the Guillotine.
  • Marie Antoinette is killed

    Marie Antoinette is killed
    Just a few months after Louis XVI is killed, Marie Antoinette is also sent to the Guillotine. Tried for the same reasons as Louis, she is killed.
  • Robespierre is Executed

    Robespierre is Executed
    The people in France started to get tired of the constant killings and fear. They started to blame Maximillian Robespierre, the leader of the public safety committee. In the end, the people decide to send him to the guillotine, ending the reign of terror.
  • Napoleon launches a coup d' etat

    Napoleon launches a coup d' etat
    on this day, Napoleon Launches a coup d' etat and declares himself first consul. A coup d' etat is an overthrow or an overtake of the government. The name that Napoleon took, first consul, was Julius Caesar's title.
  • The locomotive

    The locomotive
    Richard Trevithick makes the first ever steam powered locomotive, called the “puffing devil”. It was the first of many locomotives and paved the way for later trains and faster transportation t9 be invented.
  • Napoleon is Crowned Emperor

    Napoleon is Crowned Emperor
    Napoleon is crowned emperor of France. As the story goes, the pope started to put the crown on Napoleon's head, he took the crown and crowns himself emperor. He does this to show that nobody is above him.
  • Transatlantic slave trade abolished

    Transatlantic slave trade abolished
    In 1807, the transatlantic slave trade was abolished by the British Parliament. It had taken many years and a lot of effort to accomplish the abolition of the slave trade. It stated that people could not be bought or sold.
  • Luddite Rebellion

    Luddite Rebellion
    Luddites opposed the creation of new machines, and would go out and smash these machines. The would attack factories and smash machines in protest against the industry.
  • Napoleon's defeat at Leipzig

    Napoleon's defeat at Leipzig
    At the battle of Leipzig, Napoleon is defeated. This finally leads to the end of his reign. He is forced to abdicate a few months later and is exiled to Elba.
  • Michael Sadler introduces child labor laws

    Michael Sadler introduces child labor laws
    Michael Sadler introduced a bill in parliament to shorten child work days to under 10 hours for children under 18. Parliament was unwilling, so Sadler interviewed 48 people who told about the physical a mental abuse the children were receiving each day. This convinced parliament that the law was important.
  • Queen Victoria

    Queen Victoria
    Queen Victoria became queen on this date at the age of 18. She was queen for 63 years and was known as one of the world's most powerful women. She was what the Victorian era was named after.
  • Treaty of Nanjing

    Treaty of Nanjing
    The treaty of Nanjing opened China up to the west after the opium war. It is referred to the unequal treaties. China was forced to, give Hong Kong to the British, open ports to commerce and residence, permit the establishment of Christian Missions, and legalize opium trade.
  • Morse code is successfully used

    Morse code is successfully used
    Morse code was used on the telegraph to send out news about the nomination of Henry Clay for the Whig party. Samuel F. B. Morse is the one who’s behind the telegraph and Morse code.
  • Elias Howe invents the sewing machine

    Elias Howe invents the sewing machine
    Before his invention, clothes were much harder to make and sew. Without Howe and Singer’s sewing machines clothing production would not be as easy.
  • The London Necropolis Company

    The London Necropolis Company
    On this day Parliament passed the act creating the London Necropolis Company. The London Necropolis was a 2,000 acre plot of land 25 miles outside the city that was used to bury the dead. It started being used less and less and after WWII it was never used again.
  • Sepoy Mutiny

    Sepoy Mutiny
    The Sepoy Mutiny started when sepoy, Indian soldiers, found out that the cartridges of gunpowder that they were biting off were dipped in cow fat. This led to them refusing to load their guns, and trying to restore the Mughal Empire. This led to the Great Britain Government taking over.
  • The Meiji Revolt

    The Meiji Revolt
    The Meiji Revolt was the overthrow of the Shogun and the putting of an emporor in rule. Meiji means enlightened rule. It was during this time period that Japan decided to modernize.
  • Suez Canal Corperation

    Suez Canal Corperation
    The Suez Canal Corporation was an example of leasehold imperialism. The Suez Canal was built in Egypt by the French in the 1860s and was controlled by the British until 1968.
  • The First Motion Picture

    The First Motion Picture
    The first motion picture was a series of photographs taken with 12 different pictures. The 'movie' was of a horse running and was taken to help settle a bet. The movie was made by Eadweard Muybridge
  • Thomas Edison makes the Lightbulb

    Thomas Edison makes the Lightbulb
    Thomas Edison was the inventor of the lightbulb, moving pictures and the phonograph. In 1879, he made the first lightbulb. He was the first one to harness electricity in this way.
  • The Boxer Rebellion Starts

    The Boxer Rebellion Starts
    The Boxer Rebellion, also known as the Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists, protest foreigners in China. They organized in 1899 and killed 300 foreigners, Chinese Christians, and Chinese with ties to foreigners. Europeans, Americans, and Japanese put an end to the rebellion.
  • The Czar’s October Manifesto

    The Czar’s October Manifesto
    Czar Nicholas made this constitution that’s was made to give freedom of speech to the people and also created the duma.
  • The Model T Ford

    The Model T Ford
    Henry Ford set out to make an affordable car in the early 1900s. It was so bad and nicknamed the tin lizzie. The first Model T Ford was developed in 1909 and cost $1,200.
  • Franz Ferdinand assassinated

    Franz Ferdinand assassinated
    On this day, archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated. Him and his wife were shot in their car by Serbs who did not like him. This wa the event that started WWI
  • Armenian Genocide

    Armenian Genocide
    On this date, the Turkish government killed over a million Armenians. Almost all the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire were killed. The Turkish government now denies this genocide ever happened.
  • The Gallipoli campaign

    The Gallipoli campaign
    This took place in between April 25, 1915 and January 9, 1916. The French and British were attempting to capture the Ottoman Empire capital, Constantinople. This was a major fail and a big victory for the Turks.
  • Battle of the Somme

    Battle of the Somme
    In this war 60,000 British’s were killed in one day. Over 1 million were killed over a span of 5 months.
  • Rasputin is Killed

    Rasputin is Killed
    Rasputin was hated by many people, and some finally decided to kill him on this date. They invited him to a party where all the food was poisoned. When the food had no effect on Rasputin, they finished him of with a gun and threw his body in the river.
  • Czar Nicholas is forced to give up the throne

    Czar Nicholas is forced to give up the throne
    This was the result of the March revolutions. The people had become displeased with Czar Nicholas. After this, Russia became a communist country.
  • The Romanov family is killed

    The Romanov family is killed
    On this day, the Romanov’s were forced into the cellar of the “House of Special Purpose.” There they were executed by firing squad. This was the end of the Romanovs and the Czar in Russia.
  • The armistice is signed

    The armistice is signed
    The armistice being signed marked the end of the fighting for WWI. At the end of the war 37,000,000 were killed.
  • The end of WWI

    The end of WWI
    This date marks the official end of WWI. The treaty of Versailles was signed by the big four to end the war. It put all blame on the Germans which ultimately led to WWII.
  • Reform Act of 1928

    Reform Act of 1928
    The Reform Act of 1928 gave women over the age of 21 to vote. In 1918, women over 30 got to vote. Women had been fighting for equal rights as men, and a major influencer was Emmeline Pankhurst.