Aug 25, 1096
Crusades are fought/ First crusade
War between Christians and Muslims over Holy Land. There was more than one crusade. The first one was started in 1095 and the very last was in1291. -
Sep 5, 1300
Renaissance begins
The rebirth of europe.Some of the most famous artists and writers came from this era This is when many people started going more towards humanism than the curch. -
Sep 11, 1337
100 Years of War begin
War between the English and French. The first major battle was in 1340. 1360-1369 there was war peace. No war! -
Aug 25, 1347
Black Death Begins in Europe
It killed 1/3 of Europes population. It was carried by fleas on rats. The rats were on trade ships. -
Aug 27, 1368
Ming Dynasty in China
RUled China until 1644. Expelled the mongol's out of China. 1368-1644 -
Sep 23, 1405
Voyages of Zheng He
They sailed with as many as 300 ships to show their power. The farthest they went was Africa. Zheng He would present gifts from China, and in return foreign leaders sent tribute to China's emporor 1405-1433 -
Sep 11, 1431
Joan of Arc burned at the stake
Convicted of heresy. She was 19 years old. Started seeing visions at age 13. She predicted the outcome of some battles. She was cannonized in 1920 -
Aug 29, 1453
Ottomans conquer Constantinople
The Ottomans led a major sea nd land assault against Constantinople. The battle lasted for about two months. They made Constantinople their capitol. -
Oct 1, 1455
Johannes Gutenberg- Printing press
Gutenbery cast the letter onto metal plates and locked them into a wooden press. Thiis invention making writings more accesible since multiple copys could be made. This inspired more poeple to leran how to read because so many things were now being printed. -
Oct 1, 1492
1st voyage of Christopher Columbus
Columbus set out to find the Indies and found the America's. He did not know this and thought it was the Indies. He was the first explorer to fing the America's even though he had thought it was something else. -
Sep 29, 1497
Da Gama lands in India
He actively stopped at ports along the way and learned that Musilm merchants were already involved with trade. His voyage took around 10 months to complete. His return brought great excitememnt and the Portugese sent out more voyages. -
Oct 13, 1500
Slave Trade across the Atlantic
Millions of Africans were tken to the Americas because the Natives were dying off. This is when slavery first began. They were treated teribly. -
Sep 9, 1501
Safavid Empire
Founder was a 14 year old boy. Lasted until 1722. It had a one of a kind culture. -
Sep 5, 1503
Davinci paints the "Mona Lisa"
A picture of a half women. One of davinci's first works. This was the first painting that went away from the church and focussed more on humanism. Finishes in 1506 -
Sep 5, 1508
Michelangelo begins painting sistene chapel
100's of paintings on the ceiling of the Chapel. He was forced to by the pope as a punishment. One of the most beautiful buildings to go visit. -
Oct 3, 1517
Martin Luther posts 95 theses
He hung them on the church doors because they were like bulletin boards today. He wanted indulegences to be banned. He wrote it not only for the people of hus church, but for high religious leaders. It was written in Latin which most poeple did not understand except for the higher church class. -
Sep 25, 1519
Magellan starts his "around the world" trip
He left with five shis and 250 men. He was killed in a fight gainst the native people of the Phillipines. His fleet then went back to Spain becoming the first people to ever circumnavigate. -
Aug 29, 1526
Mughal Empire begins
After Babar tried to create an impire in Central Asia and failed, he moved to India and set the empire up. The empire was known for its great wealth and power. It was the first and most poewrful Islamic Empire. -
Sep 25, 1532
Pizarro invades the Inca Empire
Pizarro heard of the fabulous wealth of the Incan empire. The Empire was already wekend from small pox which even killed the Emperor. -
Oct 17, 1534
Henry VIIfounds Anglican Church
The Anglican church is also known as the church of England. Henry was a devote Catholic. He wanted all of England to be Catholic. -
Sep 9, 1545
Council of Trent
The delegades examined the criticisms made by the Protestants about Catholic Practices. It ended in 1563. They rejected the Protestants' emphasis on self- disciplined and individual faith -
Oct 9, 1556
Phillip II rules Spain
Spain reached the its peak under his rule. Most his power was from the supply of American gold and silver. -
Oct 3, 1559
Elizabeth I becomes Queen of England
She split England from Rome with a Supremacy Act. SHe was a protestant. SHe would persecute anyone who dared to worship Catholics firmly estabblishing the Church of England. -
Age of Enlightment
Culturl movement of intelectualls. Helped focus more on individualsism. The Age of Enlightment ladted until 1792. -
Jamestown clonoy in Virginia, founded
First colony to be established in America. About 80% of settlers died during the first winter. The englush and natives did not get along very well. -
Qing Dynasty begins
The last dynasty in 3,500 years of imperial rule in China. Under the Qing dynasty's Manchu rulers, China grew prosperous and expanded to its largest size yet. -
Thomas Hobbes writes Leviathan
About his views on government and his experience of violence and upheal of the English civil war. -
Oliver Cromwell rules England
Peter I ( The Great) becomes Czar
He was still a child when he became czar so his sister took ove runtil Peter was 17. Peter was said to be a very impressive man. He build a Navy. -
Catherine the Great rules Russia
Catherine beleived she was the successor of Peter the Great. She promoted art and science. In 1768 Russia took over half the Poland territory of the Black Sea. -
French Revolution begins
US Consitution is ratified
It embraced the different brancjes of government, the legislative, executive, and the judical. It established a system of checks and balances between the groups also. It also established a federl system. -
Reign of Terror begins
A serious of accusations, trials, and exacutions during the revolution. During the 10 months of terror, 300,00 people were arrested and some 17,000 were executed. -
Napolean becomes Emperor
He wanted to make his own power permanent and hereditary. -
Napolean defeated at Waterloo
This was his second and final falling of power. This ended two decades of wars across Europe. -
Tokugawa Shogunate ends