1948 War
Israel declared independence. Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq attacked Israel. Israel gained land. Egypt gained the Gaza Strip Land and Jordan gained the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Hundreds of Thousands of Palestinians and Jews became refugees -
Settlement Construction Begins
The settlements refer to an Israeli community built in the territories that Israel conquered during the 6th day war. It has caused controversy among pro and anti- settlements advocates. Pro Jews have right to buy property. Opp- peace by creating a neighboring Palestinian state won by Israel -
Attrition Battles
A war between Egypt and Israel. Egypt was meant to wear down by means of a long engagement. Israel seized from Egypt in the Six-Day war -
The Six Day War
Egypt blockaded Israel. Egypt, Jordan, Syria & Iraq moved troops to Israel's boarders and made threatening statements. Israel launched a preemptive strike. Israel captured the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan the Golan Heights from Syria, and the Gaza Strip and all of the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt . More Palestinians and Jews became refugees. Terrorism became more common -
The October War or Yom Kippur War
Israel amazing victory in the 6th day war of 1967 left Jewish nation in control of territory 4 times its previous size. Egypt lost the 23,500 sq. mi. Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza strip, Jordan lost the West Bank, and East Jerusalem, and Syria lost the strategic Golan Heights -
Egypt and Israel Sign a Peace Agreement
President Jimmy Carter got representatives from Egypt and Israel to meet and discuss ending hostilities Israel agreed to move troops from Sinai Peninsula and Egypt agreed to recognize Israel as a nation. Israel and Egypt representatives were awarded the 1978 Nobel Peace Prize. Few years later the Israel President was assassinated by Islamic. Extremist from Egypt angered by the dealing with Treaty has held despite regional tensions, Arab spring and turmoil in leadership of Egypt. -
The 1982 Lebanon War
It was supposed to be a short-term military operation. Operation was also meant to destroy militant infrastructure on the Lebanese-Israeli border which had been used by terrorists to attack IDF forces. -
The First Intifada
Violent uprisings that killed nearly 1,000 Palestinians for sometimes just being employed by Israeli's Civil Administrations. Eventually, the PLO called for an end to the violence but it continued until 1993. -
The Oslo Accords
Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin, and Palestinian Liberation Organization signed the Oslo Accord at the White House. Israel accepted the PLO as the representative of the PLO renounced terrorism and recognized Israels right to exist in peace. Both agreed that Palestinian Association would be established. -
Israel and Jordan sign a Peace Treaty
The treaty guaranteed Jordan the returning of its occupied land as well as a fair share of water from the Yarmouk and Jordan rivers. This treaty defined Jordan's western borders and conclusively for the first time put an end to the dangerous and false Zionist claim that "Jordan is Palestine." -
The Camp David Summit
To negotiate a final settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict with the 1993 Oslo agreement. The parties however were unable to come to an agreement. -
The Second Intifada
Triggered by a visit to Al Aqsa mosque compound by former Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, and Israeli police. Israeli occupation policies continued to violate international law and deprive Palestinians of basic human rights. Israeli Occupation Forces demolished some 5,000 Palestinian homes and damaged another 6,500 beyond repair in addition to thousands of deaths and injuries. -
Arab Peace Initiative Proposed
The Arab Peace Initiative is a 10 sentence proposal to end the Arb-Israeli endorsed by the Arab League. It was overshadowed by the Passover Massacre that took place the day before it was initiated. -
Israel Begins Constructing the West Bank Barrier
Large infrastructure project in Israel's history. 12 years old this April, it costs Israel an annual average of $260 million for maintenance. Bilin resident, Bssem Abu Rahme, was killed on April 17, 2009 by a high velocity canister. -
The Roadmap for Peace is Proposed
It was developed by the U.S. in cooperation with Russia. The UN is based on two parties in political, economic, etc. fields goal is to end a conflict early as 2005. The Roadmap didn't meet full the requirement and didn't end the conflict. -
Israel Disengages from Gaza
Purpose of plan was to improve Israel's security & international status in the absence of peace. In 2007 Hamas took over the Gaza Strip from the Palestinian Authority. Rockets and mortar shells from the Gaza Strip were launched onto Israeli towns damaging the lives of 100's of thousands citizens. -
Hamas is Elected
Hamas won a large majority in the new Palestinian Parliament. Hamas claimed 76 of the 132 Parliamentary seats, giving the Party at war with Israel. -
The 2006 Lebanon War
After 8 Israeli soldiers had been killed and 2 captured by the group Hezbollah. Israel and Hezbollah engaged in a 33 day war that made little way in the ground operations. The war ended in conclusively but with Hezbollah largely intact and Iran was accused of arming Hezbollah. -
The Battle of Gaza
Hamas took over Gaza. Military conflict between Fatah and Hamas that took place in the Gaza Strip. Hamas won but Fatah refused to join the grand Coalition. -
The Gaza War
A conflict between Palestinian in the Gaza strip and Israel. Israels goal was to stop rocket fire into Israel and the smuggling of weapon into the Gaza strip. It ended in a cease fire implemented by Israel . The cease fire was followed by 22 days of bombardment by land, sea, & air Writ Teft 1300 Pale dead, over 5,000 injured and death of 13 Israeli's -
Gaza Flotilla Incident
Military operation by Israel against six civilian ships, in the Mediterranean Sea, nine activists were killed. The ship had the intention to break Israeli blockade. The attack sparked international outrage, and no charges were made on the raid. -
Arab Spring
The Arab Spring were democratic uprising that arose across the Arab World. By the end of 2011 the government in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen were blown away by revolts. The Arab Spring was also changed.