Paper was invented by the Chinese.
The invention of paper was stated to be invented in AD 105 and Ts'ai Lun, a Chinese emperor, was credited to being the inventor of paper. -
Jan 1, 662
Allah began the Islamic religion.
The religion Islam was founded by Mohammad in Arabia. Their God was Allah and holy book was Quran. They face Mecca and pray five times a day. -
Jul 6, 1415
Jan Hus was burned at the stake for being a heretic.
A Bohemian religious leader who advocated ideas similar to John Wycliffe. Died on July 6, 1415, burned at the stake. -
Jan 1, 1440
Johannes Gutenburg invented the printing press.
Growth of literacy was stimulated by the Gutenburg printing press that was made in 1440. Also, new ideas were being made. -
Sep 25, 1493
Christopher Columbus was sponsored by Queen Isabella to sail westward to reach Asia.
On Columbus' second voyage, he was funded by Ferdinand and Isabella to sail westward. Columbus' crew set sailed on September 25, 1493. -
Feb 9, 1498
Leonardo Da Vinci painted the Last Supper.
Leonardo Da Vinci accomplished in visual arts during the contributions of the Renaissance. Completed the Last Supper painting on February 9, 1498. -
Jan 1, 1499
Michelangelo sculpted the Pieta.
Michelangelo accomplished visual arts during the contributions of the Renaissance. Also painted the "Creation of Adam" in Rome. Completed sculpting the Pieta in 1499. -
Apr 21, 1509
King Henry VIII broke from the Church in Rome and divorced his wife.
Divorced his first wife for not providing him with a male heir and then broke away with the Church in Rome for not granting him his divorce. -
Jul 10, 1509
John Calvin developed the idea of predestination.
John Calvin believed in predestination, the idea that God had determined in advance who would achieve salvation. Calvin reformed the city of Geneva, Switzerland and made it into a powerful center of Protestantism. -
Oct 31, 1517
Martin Luther nailed 95 Theses to a church door.
95 Theses were statements written by Martin Luther against indulgences and other Church practices and according to legend, were first posted on the Wittenburg University chapel door. The birth of the Protestant Church. -
Oct 31, 1517
Followers of Martin Luther met at the Catholic Church.
Martin Luther's views were salvation by faith alone, Bible is the ultimate authority, and that all humans are equal. -
Aug 13, 1521
Hernando Cortes and his forces overthrew the Aztec Empire.
A Spanish conquistador who ovethrew the Aztec Empire with his forces in only three years. Later, the Spanish had gained control of northern Mexico by 1550. -
Sep 6, 1522
Ferdinand Magellan's crew was the first to circumnavigate the globe.
Credited with being the first person to cross the Pacific Ocean and circumnavigate the globe. Also explored the Philippine Islands, turning it into a major Spanish base for trade in the Pacific. -
Jun 9, 1534
Jacques Cartier explored the St. Lawrence River to Montreal for France.
Jacques Cartier explored the St. Lawrence River to Montreal; his explorations led to France laying claim to Canada. -
Jan 1, 1545
The Jesuits were created during the Counter Reformation.
The Society of Jesus (Jesuits) was founded to spread Catholic doctrine around the world. -
Jan 1, 1558
Elizabeth I became the head of the Anglican Church.
Elizabeth I was the daughter of King Henry VIII and became queen at the age of twenty-five in 1558, ruling successfully for forty years. Being the head of the Anglican Church, it followed a moderate Protestantism that satisfied many people in England. -
Sir Francis Drake defeated the Spanish Armada.
Sir Francis Drake helped defeated the Spanish Armada. Also the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe. -
Henry IV issued the Edict of Nantes.
When Henry IV became king, he converted from a Protestant to a Catholic, realizing that he would never be accepted anyway. He later issued the Edict of Nantes, giving Huguenots the right to worship as Protestants and return to their civil privileges. -
Slaves were shipped along the Middle Passage of the Triangular Trade.
The shortage of labor to grow cash crops led to the use of African slaves. Millions of African Americans were being shipped from Africa to America on ships. Slavery was based on race. -
Cardinal Richelieu got France involved in the Thirty Years' War,
Cardinal Richelieu was the de facto ruler of France after Henvy IV's young son became king. He supported the Protestants, even though he was a Catholic in the Thirty Years' War because he felt the greater enemy of Fracne was Spain (Catholic country). He also established a system of government with centralized taxes and selected administrators who gained control over all parts of France.