World History 2

  • 105

    paper was invented by chinese

    paper was invented by chinese
  • 600

    Muhamad began the islamic religion

    Muhamad began the islamic religion
  • 1415

    John Wycliffe was burned at the stake for being a heretic

    John Wycliffe was burned at the stake for being a heretic
  • 1440

    Johannes Gutenberg

    Johannes Gutenberg
  • 1487

    The jesuits were created during the itallian renaissaince

    The jesuits were created during the itallian renaissaince
  • 1492

    Christopher columbus was sponsored by queen isabella

    Christopher columbus was sponsored by queen isabella
  • 1495

    Leonarda Da vinci painted the last supper

    Leonarda Da vinci painted the last supper
  • 1499

    Michelangelo sculpted the pieta

    Michelangelo sculpted the pieta
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther nailed 95 theses to a church door

    Martin Luther nailed 95 theses to a church door
  • 1519

    Fernidad Magellans' crew was the first to circumnavigate the globe

    Fernidad Magellans' crew was the first to circumnavigate the globe
  • 1519

    Henry Cortes the navigator and his crew overthrew the aztec empire

    Henry Cortes the navigator and his crew overthrew the aztec empire
  • 1524

    John Calvin developed the idea of predestination

    John Calvin developed the idea of predestination
  • 1526

    The mughal Empire began in India

    The mughal Empire began in India
  • 1530

    Pope Clement became the head of the Anglican

    Pope Clement became the head of the Anglican
  • 1533

    Henry VIII broke from the Church in Rome and divorced his wife.

    Henry VIII broke from the Church in Rome and divorced his wife.
  • 1534

    Jacques cartier explored the st lawrence to montreal france

    Jacques cartier explored the st lawrence to montreal france
  • 1543

    Followers of Paul III met at the council of Trent

    Followers of Paul III met at the council of Trent
  • 1580

    Slaves were shipped along the middle passage of triangular trade

    Slaves were shipped along the middle passage of triangular trade
  • Charles Howard defeats the Spanish Armada

    Charles Howard defeats the Spanish Armada
  • Henry IV of France issued the Edict of Nantes

    Henry IV of France issued the Edict of Nantes
  • Fernidad II got france involved in the thirty year war

    Fernidad II got france involved in the thirty year war