World History

  • Start of the French Revolution

    Known as Bastille day, occured in Paris, France. State prison known as Bastille was attacked
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    Slave Revolt

    A successful anti-slavery revolt lead by self-liberated slaves and Toussaint Loverture, a former slave who took control of the rebels. Revolt against the French rule
  • Haitian Independence

    Jean-Jacques Dessalines claimed the independence of Saint-Domingue and renamed it Haiti
  • Napoleon crowns himself emperor

    Napoleon crowned himself emperor of France at the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris, France
  • San Martin liberates Argentina

    San Martin sailed to Buenos Aires where offered his service to the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata, which is present-day Argentina.
  • Father Miguel Hidalgo inspires revolution

    Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, who was a catholic preist launched the Mexican War of Independence
  • Mexico Gains Independence

    Mexico gained independence in 1810. Father Miguel Hidalgo, who inspired the revolution in Mexico was captured and killed in 1811
  • San Martin liberates Chile

    San Martin liberated Chile from Royalist rule
  • Simon Bolivar liberates Venezuela

    Venezuela was liberated under the leadership of its "most famous son", Simon Bolivar
  • Bolivar liberates Colombia

    Simon Bolivar was the president of Colombia and the rest of "Gran Colombia".
  • Bolivar liberates Peru

    Peru was joined together with Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador, which Bolivar had just freed from Spanish rule
  • Bolivar liberates Ecuador

    Simon Bolívar first liberated the province of Venezuela in 1813. It took nine more years to liberate Ecuador, which became formally independent from Spain on May 24, 1822.
  • Bolivar liberates Bolivia

    Simon Bolivar was the first president of Bolivia.
  • Mazzini creates "Young Italy"

    A political movement for Italian youth (under 40), started in 183. After a few months of leaving Italy, in June 1831, Mazzini wrote a letter to King Charles Albert of Sardinia, in which he asked him to unite Italy and lead the nation.
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    The Zollverein was the customs of the German states in the 19th century. It was a coalition of German states formed to manage tariffs and economic policies within their territories
  • Cavour becomes Prime Minister

  • Italian Role in Crimean War

  • Red Shirts capture Sicily

    A group volunteers led by Giuseppe Garibaldi sailed from Quarto, near Genoa (now Quarto dei Mille) and landed in Marsala, Sicily in order to conquer the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, ruled by the House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies.
  • Bismarck becomes Prime minister

    In 1859 Bismarck was sent to Russia as Prussian ambassador, and not long after he went to Paris as ambassador. He had 11 years of experience in foreign affairs before he became prime minister of Prussia
  • Blood and Iron Speech

    A speech given by Otto Von Bismarck, he was Minister President of Prussia at the time, the speech was about the unification of German territories
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    War with Denmark

    Denmark fought the Kingdom of Prussia and the Austrian Empire. Like the First Schleswig War, it was fought for control of the duchies of Holstein and Lauenburg.
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    War with Austria

    Revolutionaries wanted war because they thought that it would unify the country. They thought that it would spreasd genuine desire to follow a revolution.
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    War with France

    A combination of German states, led by Prussia defeated France. Franco-German war, also known as the Franco-Prussian war
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    The 2nd Reich

    The former German state, most often used to refer to the Third Reich, the Nazi regime from 1933 to 1945. The First Reich was considered to be the Holy Roman Empire, 962–1806, and the Second Reich the German Empire