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World History 1

  • State Open Parliament

    State Open Parliament
    An event which formally marks the beginning of a session of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. It includes a speech from the throne known as the Queen's Speech or King's Speech. The gun powder plot was planned to take place on this day.
  • The 30 Years War

    The 30 Years War
    Violence breaks out between Catholic nations and Protestant ones. The Catholics were mainly represented by the Holy Roman Empire. The war spread across Europe, except for Britain. The war ended with the Treaty of Westphalia 1648 , which split the Holy Roman Empire in two.
  • The first English civil war

    The first English civil war
    It was the first of the three major wars during the English civil war, It was fought in England and Wales, due to the disagreement on who held the ultimate power. It resulted in the parliament victory.
  • Louis XIV Takes Rule of France

    Louis XIV Takes Rule of France
    Louis the XIV took over the rule of France at the death of his mentor, Mazarin. He established an image of being a Sun God, meaning all light in France came from him. He constructed the Palace at Versailles and also tries to remove nobles from power and worked against Protestants.
  • Second English Civil War

    Second English Civil War
    It took place in England and Wales. It was between the British parliament against the loyalists, Covenanters, and Engagers. It resulted in the defeat of Charles I.
  • The execution of King Charles I

    The execution of King Charles I
    Took place outside the Banqueting House in Whitehall. The execution was the culmination of political and military conflicts between the royalists and the parliamentarians in England during the English Civil War, leading to the capture and trial of Charles I.
  • Peter The Great Becomes Czar of Russia

    Peter The  Great Becomes Czar of Russia
    When he became Czar, His main goal was to implant reforms known as Westernization. He wanted Russia to be as advanced as the cities of Western Europe. Peter wanted to promote education, also. He succeeded quite a bit. He Started St. Petersburg, which was named after him.