World Health Organization

  • Archives of the Office International d'Hygiène Publique

    The Office International d'Hygiène Publique (OIHP) was created under the Arrangements signed in Rome on 9 December 1907 Responsibilities of the Office were the administration of the international sanitary conventions, the service of epidemiological intelligence and collection and dissemination to Member States of information of general public health importance.
  • Archives of the League of Nations, Health section files

    Established in Paris in 1908, the International Health Office collected and distributed information from various health departments around the world, though it had no authority to act on its own.
  • Archives of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration

    At the first session of the Council of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, (UNRRA) held in 1943, it was agreed that health work would be one of its primary and fundamental responsibilities.
  • World Health Organization

    The World Health Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for international public health. The WHO Constitution states its main objective as "the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health".
  • Archives on the construction of the Headquarters building

    This fonds, which covers an area outside the traditional framework of WHO activities, is of particular interest from the architectural angle. In 1959, the World Health Assembly launched an international competition for the construction of a building for WHO, which had so far been housed in the Palais des Nations.
  • Archives of the Smallpox Eradication Programme

    In 1966, the 19th World Health Assembly requested the Director-General of WHO to initiate action to carry out a world-wide smallpox eradication programme.
  • WHO headquarters building: laying the corner stone (1962)

    The foundation stone of WHO's headquarters building was laid during a ceremony on 24 May 1962 on the building site "En Choutagnes", at Pregny, on the outskirts of Geneva. The building, designed by architect Jean Tschumi of Lausanne, Switzerland, was finished in 1966.
  • World Health Organizaton

    Organization tried to acheive getting all people healthy by the year 2000.
  • Thirteenth General Programme of work 2019-2023

    Focus on triple billion targets to acheive measurable impacts on peoples healh at the country level.
  • WHO and ILO call for new measures to tackle mental health issues at work

    WHO and the International Labour Organization (ILO) have called for concrete actions to address mental health concerns in the working population.