The Spark of World War 1
Serbia's resentment for Austria-Hungary leads the Serbian Princip to assassinate Archduke Ferdinand because of the Slavic ethnic group in Bosnia and Austria-Hungary's imperialistic views. In return, Austria-Hungary declares war. Then, Russia, Germany, France and Britain join the war to assist their allies. By the summer of 1914, all of Europe was involved in the war. -
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Total War
During World War 1, total war was taking place. People were drafted because countries needed all the help they could get. Different types of propaganda, with different messages, were also huge during the war. Interestingly, women also joined the war effort and, in America, the women took over the jobs of the men an order to keep life going in the country. -
The Russian Monarchy is Overthrown
The leader of the Russian monarchy, Czar Nicholas ll, was forced to abdicate the thrown. The Duma established a temporary government with Alexander Kerensky as the leader. At this time, the Bolsheviks, with Lenin as their leader, wait to take power of Russia. Eventually, communists take over the temporary government and the Bolsheviks take over Russia. -
The United States Finally Enters World War 1
From 1914-1917, the United States refrains from getting tied up in the chaos of the war. America no longer holds back after three events occur. One event was the sinking of Lusitania when many Americans were killed; however, the actual ship was not American. Another event was the Zimmerman telegram which was when Germany tried to get Mexicans to attack the United States. Submarine attacks also aided in the United States entering the war. -
Bolsheviks Take Over Russia
The Bolsheviks wait to take power after Czar Nicholas ll is abdicated. Once they take power, they turn Russia into a socialist country. Also, Russia is now referred to as the Soviet Union or USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. -
Russia Has Issues From the War
Russia develops internal and government issues. In 1917, the government was overthrown, which leads to the Russian Revolution. The new leader of this government, Lenin, immediately pulls Russia out of the war. -
World War 1 Comes to an End
After Germany formally surrenders and Europe has been turned into a mess, the war comes to an end. American troops reached European grounds that year. During this time, the countries agreed to stop fighting while the leader could discuss problems from the war as well as peace agreements. -
The Treaty of Versailles
Leaders for each country went to Paris, France to discuss peace agreements to settle the disagreements from the war. Unfortunately, Germany was stuck with all the reparations from the war, which later results in a second world war. Nations were being created and power was being distributed more equally, which means lots of power was taken from Germany. Also, the leader of America, Woodrow Wilson, created the "League of Nations" that ultimately failed because the United States refused to enter. -
Joseph Stalin Takes Over Russia
After Vladimir Lenin dies, a power struggle occurs between his closest advisors and Joseph Stalin rises to power. He holds power from 1924-1952. Stalin executed all opposition. He produced economic growth but only at the expense of individual rights and human life. This leader is responsible for the death of millions. -
The Great Depression Begins in the United States
A stock market crash on Wall Street begins the Great Depression across the United States. Demands of goods decreased drastically after the war because weapons and tools and other necessities no longer needed to be produced. Wealth was not distributed evenly. People began to buy and invest less because nothing was worth what it use to be. -
The Great Depression Causes Worldwide Issues
Although the United States is on a different continent, European countries were effected. American banks stopped making loans abroad which caused other countries to suffer. Global World Trade also sank. Demands dwindled, prices fell, there was over production, low wages and stock prices crashed. Unemployment became a big issue. -
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The Holocaust
The Nazi's wanted a pure German country. Adolf Hitler decided to construct concentration camps for all Jews, Romas and foreigners. Adolf Hitler committed genocide during this horrid time. Millions of people died from this heinous act. Nazi officials were charged with crimes against humanity by IMT. At the end, Germany surrenders and this is known as "V-E Day." -
Germany Causes World War II
Germany was very unhappy with the reparations they were left with and the way most of their the power was taken away after the Treaty of Versailles. The Nazi's signed a Soviet pact with Russia in August 1939 with the goal of dividing Poland, out of revenge and because they were power hungry. Sure enough, Germany invades Poland on September first which starts the war. -
The Great Depression Ends
Thanks to Germany wanting revenge for the way World War 1 ended, the Great Depression comes to an end in America because soldiers need tools and equipment to fight and help fight. Also, the United States president, Franklin Roosevelt, created the "New Deal" which helped employ people and got people back on their feet. He gave Americans the hope they needed to recover. -
The United States enters World War II
Japan ambushes the United States with an attack in Hawaii. Two planes crash in Pearl Harbor. 2,400 Americans died. After this attack, the United States can no longer sit back and watch the war being fought so they get involved. -
The Battle of Midway
The United States used "Island hoping" to defeat Japan. This battle was fought in the Pacific. The was the turning point for Japan because now they are on defensive mode for the rest of the War. -
Normandy Landing
The United States General Eisenhower gives orders for "Operation Overlord". The United States came in by water and landed on the beach of France. This was the biggest amphibious invasion. This battle liberated France and is known as "D-Day." -
The Yalta Conference
This conference was the second meeting during World War II which involved Britain's prime minister, Winston Churchill; Soviet Union's, Joseph Stalin and the United State's Franklin Roosevelt. The three leaders met to discuss changes they could make to the Treaty of Versailles in order to prevent another war. Roosevelt urges a "United Nations." The three have opposing views yet all agree to force Germany to surrender and plan for life after the war. -
The End of World War II
After Germany surrenders in May, The United States and Japan do continue to fight. Japan is ready to surrender. The President of the United States, Truman, debated whether or not the United States should drop another atomic bomb on Japan. Truman goes through with the attack which signifies the end of the war. -
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The Cold War
After World War II ended, The United States and Soviet Union became the new world leaders as Germany is defeated and France and Britain become exhausted from fighting. In an attempt to keep peace, Roosevelt and European leaders came together to discuss peace agreements. However, tension and hostility between nations aligned with the United States, on one side, and the Soviet Union, on the other, built without armed conflict. After borders and blockades came down, the Cold War ended.