Black Plague
People died in urope of a terrible plaque that wiped out half their population. As a result their were less people and more food for everybody. -
The Printing Press
Before the printing press, they had to hand write every copy of a book. Then when it was invented, books became cheaper and anyone could get there hand on information. People now didn't have to rely on the few that had books and could read. -
Leonardo Di Vinchi
Was a very good artist and painted many amazing, history changing portraits. -
He was a famous painter that brought back and even invented different ways of art. He was very good at his job as an artist and even painted the inside of the famous Florence cathedral. -
Martin Luther
He was a fierce believer in Catholicism and studied a lot. When he found out that the church at his time was far from what he thought was the right way, he rebelled against them accusing them of falling away from the church. -
The 95 Theses
Martin Luther posted 95 theses about what the church was doing wrong and other things that were wrong with the teachings of he time. This was the turning point in the changing of the religion. -
The Medici
They became the most powerful bank in Europe at one point and traded with the surroundings countries. This enabled them to progress in their knowledge faster than ever before. -
Finishing the Temple
The years ago abandoned dome on the church was supposed to be the greatest dome in history. Until the renaissance, it was given up on. Than, with the help of a large prize for the solution o the dome, Filipino Brunelleschi, submitted the solution and changed the way of engineering.