World Civ

By Na8imu5
  • 1350

    The Renaissance

    Why did it happen?
    -Return of soldiers from crusades
    -Increase in food production
    -population increases
    -economics improves
    -Increase in trade within Europe and with middle east
    -Renewed interest in knowledge
  • 1353

    Black death

    -passed along on rat fleas
    * infection followed trade routes
    - 75 to 200 million people died
    * this was about 50 to 60 percent of the population
    * took 200 years to repopulate Europe
    - after 1353 the plague would show up in places from time to time until the 19th century
  • 1360

    Northern Italy

    -Controlled trade into Europe
    *urban centers
    -city states that dominated Italy
    *Venice, Milan, Florence, Rome, and Naples
    *ruled by powerful families
    *crossroads of trade
    *Visconti family ruled 1st half of 15th century
    *Francesco Forza conquers using mercenaries
    :Changes tax code
    * port city trade with western asia
    * was a republic
    :controlled by wealthy merchants
  • 1370


    -Dominated the region of Tuscany
    * was a political powerhouse of the region
    -A Republic controlled by merchants
    * mid 1400's controlled by the Medici
    -Becomes the cultural and arts center of the time
    * artists, sculpture, architects, and others come to make money
  • 1380

    Europian society

    -3 social classes
    * clergy, nobility, merchants, and peasants
    -The Clergy
    * the church was the biggest power in Europe
    -The nobility
    * ruled areas of Europe
    * different levels of nobility
    -the merchants
    * a small group in the early 1400,s grows as time
    : patricians and burghers
    -peasants or workers
    * life really never changes
  • 1400

    Famous authors

    *Italian philosopher and writer
    * best known for the divine comedy
    * Italian philosopher and political writer
    * best known for The Prince
    * English playwright
    *his plays are still performed to this day
  • 1450

    ideas and arts

    • humanism
    • study of the ancient Greek and roman texts : virgil and cicero *Francesco Petrarch the father of humanism -literature *invention of the printing press in 1450 : Johannes eutenburg : First book was the bible in german
    • authors started to write in the volnacular
  • 1517


    -problems in the church
    *popes and other leaders involved in political matters
    *not meeting the spiritual needs of the people
    -christian humanism
    *simpler christian faith
    *wanted to reform the church from within the church
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther

    -catholic monk
    -has issues of faith and works tied to salvation
    -95 thesis
    -excommunicated from church
    -Lutheranism started
    *spreads throughout Germany and Scandinavia
    *1st protestant Religion
  • Apr 15, 1519


    -new techniques in painting
    *perspective-grins the images more realistic images more realistic image
    *imitation of nature
    -italian artists
    *leonardo da vinci
    -northern European artists
    *jan van eylk
    *roger van der weyden
  • 1523


    -believed in adult baptism
    -all believers were equal
    -lived communally
    -no church hierarchy
    -anyone in the community of believers could be the minister
    -today they are then amish and mennonities
  • 1534

    Further splits in religion

    -john calvin
    *converts to protestantism at the age of 25
    *believed that the catholic church had fallen far from the original christian church
    * predestination
    :Free will to choose evil
    most will choose evil
    :good works to show were exact
    *set up government in geneva based upon his beliefs
  • 1534


    -Henry VIII
    *wanted a male hair
    *pope would not annual his marriage to catherine
    *act of supremacy 1534
    :head of the church of england
    :doctorine very close to catholicism
    -Edward VI
    *advisors moved the church to a more protestant doctorine
  • 1560


    -Pope Paul III
    *realized that Protestantism needed to be countered
    *council of Trent
    :look at doctrine and practices and then try to clarify it
    :Emphasize the teaching of doctrine to the young and to all Christians it emphasized the differences
    *Ignatius of Loyola
    :started the Jesuit order
    :control over what people thought and wrote
    some got out of control