Gavrilo Princip killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand
The assassination of Franz Ferdinand was a huge problem. Franz Ferdinand was next in line for the Austro-Hungarian throne. He was not liked by the citizens and on the 28th of July, a Serbian shot him and his wife. This event would lead Austria-Hungary to declare war. -
World War I Starts
This would be called the “Great War”. This war would result in approximately 20 million deaths. Four days after Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, Russia and Germany also declare war on each other. This provokes the start of World War I. -
Czar Nicholas II
The Russians start to lose faith in their leader, Czar Nicholas II. Now, the world was influenced by corruption and heavy government. The Russian Parliament was established after Russia agreed to not listen to Nicholas’ will. This was a result of the Revolution. -
Woodrow Wilson Speech
This is one of the results of World War I. American President, Woodrow Wilson’s speech was powerful and effected all the countries. He wanted Germany to be punished and not have as many privileges. Wilson’s 14 points would make conclusions and help, and hurt, everyone. -
Russian Revolution
The Russian Revolution began in February. This started when citizens protested the leaders of Russia. The protesters refused to leave the streets no matter what. As the protests grew, mobs and groups of people destroyed police stations. Russian troops were called to silence the uproar. -
Treaty of Versailles
World War I officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. This was determined on Jnue 28, 1919. This was exactly 5 years after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, whish had started the war. Unfortunately, this would not stop all violence with countries, especially Germany. -
Economic Consequences
Land and properties were destroyed by fighting. Countries needed money to rebuild. Nobody had money because everyone was just borrowing it from each other. When it was time to pay allies back, they couldn’t. The costs of war were heavy, literally. -
The Great Depression
The Great Depression began after the “roaring twenties”. The roaring twenties was a time of wealth and excitement for America. The stock market crash, in 1929, snowballed into the Great Depression. American went from soaring and roaring to begging and searching for money. This would be a tragic but useful memory for America. -
The Great Depression Ends
The Great Depression ended in 1939. However, the end of the Great Depression would lead to new starts. After the Great Depression, World War II breaks out in Europe. America had been bombed by Japan at Pearl Harbor. The United States would have to go fight another battle right after they had just won their own. -
War Crimes of Hitler
America decided to enter Europe and help fight against Germany. Hitler was committing war crimes. These war crimes were about killing many people. Therefore, America wanted to get involved. This will help and hurt America. -
War Advantages
The United States won lots of advantages from the war. One advantage was that none of the land was fought on their land. Because of this, the American economy grew very large again. This was a nice consequence because of the Great Depression. American was also now a post-war global market. -
Womens Independence
Women gained lots of rights during this time. While the men were off at war, women supported businesses and factories. This gave the women confidence and independence. When the men returned, most women had to keep their jobs. The women began to fight for more independence. -
Cold War Ends
Churchill, Stalin, and Roosevelt have a meeting. During this meeting, they decide how they will end the war. All the countries finally realized that they didn’t want to live in fear. They all wanted to live in peace. This is funny because we all know that won’t happen. However, for a little while it does. -
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Japan would not agree to end the war. To end the war, the United States dropped a bomb on Hiroshima. Japan still did not say a word. then, the United Sates dropped another bomb on Nagasaki. This would result in many deaths of casualties. -
War Ends and Communism Begins
After the tragic war, everyone was still not happy with the agreements. However, Japan finally surrendered. Millions of people died. This and the spread of communism would be a problem in the future. The countries start to develop more anger towards each other. -
The United Nations
The League of Nations did not really help. It just made things worse. The League of Nations was to keep peace between countries, not to ruin it. Germany did not get a fair share. Therefore, they rebelled and basically started World War II. The United Nations was made to improve and share agreement fairly between countries. -
Marshall Plan
The Marshall Plan was a program of economic aid offered by the United States. It was to help the other countries rebuild after the war. This was offered to any European country. Stalin rejected this plan which hurt the other countries severely. However, the aid was only given to Western European Countries. -
“NATO” stands for “The North Atlantic Treaty Organization”. This organization was formed by member states Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and the United States. This treaty would help with the war. The treaty was also made to stop communism. -
The Warsaw Pact
The Warsaw Pact was a threat to the Soviet Union and its affiliated Communist nations. It was formed with member states East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, and the Soviet Union. The Warsaw pact was to help stop the spread of communism. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cuban missile Crisis was between the United States and Cuba. Cuba was orginally allies with America. However, Cuba threated to bomb the United States. After a few weeks of communicating, they both decided to lay down their weapons. This was a scary experience for America.